Google I/O 2015 predictions: what you can expect from Android in 2015 - Android Tricks 4 All
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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Google I/O 2015 predictions: what you can expect from Android in 2015

AndroidPIT Google IO 2015 logoGoogle I/O, the most important developer conference for the world's largest mobile platform will take place on May 28th and 29th in San Francisco, setting the stage for Android in 2015. So what can you expect to see at I/O this year? Here are our Google I/O 2015 predictions.
Google I/O 2015 will set the stage for Android in the year to come. © Google

What is Google I/O 2015?

Google I/O brings together the world's best Android developers and showcases the very best of what comes next for Android. It's a huge geek fest but it has massive ramifications for the rest of us too and it gives us our first glimpses of what will be making its way onto our smartphones in the months to come.
We were at Google I/O 2014 and it was a doozy. Not only did the event introduce Android 5.0 Lollipop and Material Design, it also saw the preview build for Lollipop dished out to the assembled devs (which then instantly made its way onto all of our Nexus 5's as well). Even if you can't make Google I/O in person, you can tune in remotely courtesy of I/O Extended events and the #io15 hashtag.
androidpit android m
Don't get too excited. We think it's way too early for the Android M release./ 

Google I/O 2015: Android 5.2 or Android M?

The likelihood of major news surrounding a new version of Android is unlikely. Android 5.1 is already out on some devices and Android 5.0 has seeped out to five percent of Android users. Android 5.2 – or even the Android M release – seem like they will come later in the year or possibly even next year. But if there is Android news, we'd expect it to to be 5.2 and some incremental updates.
AndroidPIT LG G Watch R 10
We're anticipating some big improvements to Android Wear this year. / © 

Google I/O 2015: Android Wear

This is one of the areas we really think Google will be focusing on at this year's I/O. At least, this is the area that needs the most attention anyway. Android Wear is still a very young platform, but with the Apple Watch now out and several Android partners already developing (or open to developing) their own wearable platform to make up for Google's failure to improve Wear fast enough, this should be on Google's radar for 2015.
apple watch vs moto 360
Which Android Wear smartwatches will tackle the Apple Watch? / © Apple, Motorola

Google I/O 2015: New smartwatches?

At Google I/O 2014 not one but three new smartwatches was unveiled: the long-anticipated Moto 360, the LG G Watch and the Samsung Gear. The latter two were Google projects, designed to showcase Android Wear in its first stages. The Moto 360 was another fish entirely and for a long time was the smartwatch to have. We know the Moto 360 2nd generation is in development and LG and Samsung are always pumping out new watches, so an Android Wear announcement may well be accompanied by new smartwatches as well.
project ara dock
Could we see the near final versions of Project Ara handed out to attendees? / © ANDROIDPIT

Google I/O 2015: Project Ara

The modular smartphone project now has its own developer conference and we have already been filled in on what comes next for project Ara, so there's no reason to expect too much Ara news at Google I/O 2015. That's not to say it won't make an appearance though or that Google might not drop a bit of an update during I/O. Who knows, I/O attendees might even get an Ara device (or the promise of one) in the infamous I/O goodie bag.

project tango tablet
It's about time for some more news on Project Tango. / © Google

Google I/O 2015: Project Tango

The context-sensitive tablet that has an almost-human spatial perception was shown off in prototypes in the middle of last year by Google's Advanced Technology and Projects group. Since then though, when the prototypes were distributed to developers, Project Tango has kind of been silent. Project Tango is clearly not ready for prime-time just yet, so we wouldn't expect any huge news at I/O, but, like Ara, we expect it to be there in some form.
android auto
Android Auto will surely be center-stage at Google I/O 2015. / © Android

Google I/O 2015: Android Auto

If we had to put money it, we'd say I/O will primarily be about three things: Android Wear, Android Auto and Android Home. We've already seen these pushed heavily at all the trade shows this year and it makes sense for Google to be pushing them too. The difference is that Google is the one to push them to the next level. Expect to see Google's self-driving car at I/O and for some more big news on Android Auto.
We expect Google to have put a lot of effort into Nest and the Smart Home as well. / © Nest

Google I/O 2015: Android Home

The third pillar of our Google I/O expectations, Google Home is likely to get a lot of attention as well. Google has been trying to get Android into your home – or more specifically your lounge room – for as long as I can remember. Smart homes, entertainment and connected devices in the Internet of Things will surely be a high priority for Google in 2015 as well. If we're lucky we'll see some big news around nest, the smart home thermostat, but we're not holding our breath. In any case, the connected home will be on the agenda.
android tv 5
How far will Google have pushed Android TV in the last year? / © ANDROIDPIT

Google I/O 2015: Android TV

Last but not least, Android TV – Google's latest attempt to get into your lounge room – will surely share some of the limelight too. There's already a bunch of new Smart TVs, the Nexus Player is out in key markets and in the years to come we'll all be upgrading our existing boob tubes to those with Android TV built in. We're positive Android TV will be in the I/O lineup this year.
Google Glass
It's time for Google Glass to step into overdrive for its 2016 consumer launch.

Google I/O 2015: Miscellaneous

We're also expecting/hoping for some other cool stuff like Material Design support libraries, new improvements to the ART run time for Lollipop devices, Chromebook app news, perhaps some more news on the new Android camera API and who knows, maybe even a new Chromecast or Nexus device – a Nexus 5 (2015) or Nexus 7 (2015) perhaps? Google Glass might make an appearance, we might hear something about the Google Watch and Google Wallet might be in for an overhaul to compete with Apple Pay (Android Pay?).  
  • Will you be at Google I/O? What are you expecting to see this year?


This is just an example, you can fill it later with your own note.