343 Industries Addresses Halo Infinite Graphics; Agrees That Level of Fidelity and Overall Presentation Have to be Improved - Android Tricks 4 All
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343 Industries Addresses Halo Infinite Graphics; Agrees That Level of Fidelity and Overall Presentation Have to be Improved

Following last week’s Xbox Series X Showcase featuring Halo Infinite Campaign gameplay, developer 343 Industries has commented on the game’s graphics.

During Microsoft’s showcase last week, 343 Industries showed off Infinite’s very-first campaign gameplay, and as we already reported, the footage that was shown was based on an earlier build of the game. In a new blog post on the Halo Waypoint, the developer has now addressed the received feedback on Infinite’s more classic art style and visual fidelity, agreeing that there’s work to be done on the overall presentation and level of fidelity ahead of launch.

“Based on our learnings from Halo 4, Halo 5, and Halo Wars 2 – along with strong community feedback – we decided to shift back towards the legacy aesthetics that defined the original trilogy”, 343 Industries writes. “With Halo Infinite, we’re returning to a more ‘classic’ art style which was a key message going back to the very first reveal that garnered enthusiastic and positive responses. This translates to a more vibrant palette, “cleaner” models and objects with less “noise”, though it doesn’t mean less detail. While we appreciate this may not be everyone’s personal preference, we stand by this decision and are happy to see it resonating with so many fans around the world.”

The developer continued, “the second theme being discussed involves visual fidelity. Negative feedback in this area includes comments around characters and objects appearing flat, simplistic and plastic-like, lighting feeling dull and flat, and object pop-in. We’ve read your comments, we’ve seen the homemade examples of retouched content, and yes we’ve heard the Digital Foundry assessments. In many ways we are in agreement here – we do have work to do to address some of these areas and raise the level of fidelity and overall presentation for the final game. The build used to run the campaign demo was work-in-progress from several weeks ago with a variety of graphical elements and game systems still being finished and polished.”

According to 343 Industries, some of the received community feedback was expected and already being worked on. There are, however, some things around detail, clarity, and overall fidelity, that have been brought to light that the developer is taking very seriously.

“While some of the feedback was expected and speaks to areas already in progress, other aspects of the feedback have brought new opportunities and considerations to light that the team is taking very seriously and working to assess. We don’t have firm answers or outcomes to share yet but the team is working as quickly as possible on plans to address some of the feedback around detail, clarity, and overall fidelity. The team is committed and focused on making sure we have a beautiful world for players to explore when we launch.”

It’s good to learn that 343 Industries is taking the community feedback seriously and that the team is already actively working on improving the game’s visual fidelity and overall presentation ahead of the game’s launch later this year.

Halo Infinite releases alongside the Xbox Series X during this year’s holiday season.

The post 343 Industries Addresses Halo Infinite Graphics; Agrees That Level of Fidelity and Overall Presentation Have to be Improved by Aernout van de Velde appeared first on Wccftech.

source https://wccftech.com/343-industries-addresses-halo-infinite-graphics/

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