Street Fighter 6 Won’t Release Next Year, Insider Says; Delayed Due to Not Being Received Very Well Internally - Android Tricks 4 All
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Street Fighter 6 Won’t Release Next Year, Insider Says; Delayed Due to Not Being Received Very Well Internally

street fighter 6 vi

The sequel to 2016’s Street Fighter V was rumored to release somewhere next year, but according to reputable Capcom insider, Dusk Golem, Street Fighter 6 has been delayed due to development-related issues.

Capcom has yet to announce Street Fighter 6,  but from the looks of it, an official announcement might be miles away. At least, if Dusk Golem is to be believed.

On Twitter, the insider talked about the brawler, saying that Capcom has delayed it out of 2021 following bad decisions from the game’s producer, Yoshinori Ono. Apparently, the producer has focused too much on a team mechanic within the game and this did not sit well internally. As such, Capcom decided to demote Ono and put someone else in charge of development to 'fix' the title, putting the game in the oven for another year.

“As Capcom is trending for Street Fighter stuff, though I'm not really a Street Fighter fan, I can mention I know the reason for the unexpected SF5 season pass”, Dusk Golem writes. “The most basic gist of it is SF6 was supposed to release next year, but it was not received well internally or with testers.”

Based on the insider’s tweets, there’s the possibility that Capcom’s corporate officer, Midori Yuasa, is now supervising the title.

We’ll update as soon as we learn more about the next Street Fighter installment. As announced yesterday, Street Fighter V will be receiving one final year of new content, packing new fighters, including Dan, Rose, Akira and more.

  • Dan - A mainstay from the Street Fighter Alpha series and last appearing in Street Fighter IV, Dan Hibiki will be bringing his (over) confidence and iconic “Taunt” to Street Fighter V. A training partner of Ryu and Ken, Dan considers himself well-equipped to “school” other players with his unique Saikyo-ryu (“Strongest Style”) fighting style. Release timing: Winter 2020
  • Rose - Rose is a fortune telling fan-favorite character who also previously starred in the Alpha series and Street Fighter IV. Using her tarot cards, Rose will arrive armed with a variety of unique special moves and plans to channel all of her Soul Power energy into Street Fighter V. Release timing: Spring 2021
  • Oro - Last appearing in Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, Oro is an ancient martial arts master who exists as an immortal hermit. He restricts one of his arms from use in order to give his opponents an advantage, but that won’t stop Oro from being one of the most well-trained and powerful fighters in Street Fighter V. Release timing: Summer 2021
  • Akira - First introduced in Capcom’s 1997 fighting game Rival Schools: United by Fate, Akira Kazama is preparing to make her Street Fighter debut. As an acquaintance of Sakura, Akira has previous ties to the Street Fighter universe and is gearing up to bring her biker style look and clever gimmicks to Street Fighter V. Release timing: Summer 2021
  • ???? – You may also remember we previously said there would be five characters for Season V… but we’re not quite ready to announce our fifth yet. Stay tuned for info on that later on!

The post Street Fighter 6 Won’t Release Next Year, Insider Says; Delayed Due to Not Being Received Very Well Internally by Aernout van de Velde appeared first on Wccftech.


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