Epic Games Claims That Apple’s Comments About Fortnite’s Popularity are False - Android Tricks 4 All
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Epic Games Claims That Apple’s Comments About Fortnite’s Popularity are False

Epic Games Claims That Apple's Comments About Fortnite's Popularity are False

The whole Apple vs Epic Games ordeal is getting out of hand to a point that it has become an arduous task to keep up with everything that has been happening. The last report involved Apple claiming that Epic Games' lawsuit is just a publicity stunt, and Apple went on to claim that,

Epic started a fire, and poured gasoline on it, and now asks this Court for emergency assistance in putting it out, even though Epic can do so itself in an instant by simply adhering to the contractual terms that have profitably governed its relationship with Apple for years. This Court was right when it previously ruled that “‘self-inflicted wounds are not irreparable injury.

However, Epic Games is now the company that is answering back, and they are making some claims against the arguments that have been presented by Apple so far.

Epic Games' Boss Tim Sweeney Talks About How Apple's Claims of Declining Fortnite Popularity are Untrue

Epic recently filed a claim just 3 days ago, talking about the entirety of Apple's claim, and Tim Sweeney also reached out and gave an extended response. According to the source, this is what Sweeney had to say,

Epic’s actual user engagement data reflecting the actual number of users playing Fortnite (not Google search results) shows Apple’s claim of declining interest in Fortnite to be incorrect. Over the period of time that Apple cherry-picked for its Google search volume comparison (between October 2019 and July 2020), the number of daily active users on Fortnite actually increased by more than 39%

This is all the latest news that is surrounding the whole Epic Games vs Apple ordeal that is currently going on. To reiterate this, Apple has already claimed that Fortnite is welcome back on the App Store the moment Epic Games removes the direct payment system but seems like the apple has fallen far from the tree and we are going to be seeing this battle go for a longer time than we had initially expected.

The post Epic Games Claims That Apple’s Comments About Fortnite’s Popularity are False by Furqan Shahid appeared first on Wccftech.

source https://wccftech.com/epic-games-claims-that-apples-comments-about-fortnites-popularity-are-false/

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