Nioh 2 Update 1.14 Introduces New Content and Balance Tweaks - Android Tricks 4 All
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Nioh 2 Update 1.14 Introduces New Content and Balance Tweaks

Nioh 2

The Nioh 2 1.14 update is now live, introducing new content, balance tweaks, and bug fixes.

The 1.14 update introduces Picture Scrolls which contain enemies and bosses from the game's first DLC, The Tengu's Disciple.

  • Added Picture Scrolls which contain enemies and bosses from “The Tengu’s Disciple.” These “Scroll of the Demon” Picture Scrolls can be acquired in Dream of the Demon.

The Nioh 2 1.14 update also brings balance adjustments for Yokai Shift Special Effects, the Splitstaff skill Seesaw Strike, and more.

  • Adjusted the equipment dropped by enemies in the Dream of the Demon, as follows:
  • Increased the rate of occurrence of Special Effects which does not appear when using the Temper feature at the Blacksmith.
  • Increased the minimum value for the randomly determined Special Effects to make it easier for the maximum value to appear. (No changes have been made to the maximum value itself.)
  • Adjusted the Splitstaff skill, “Seesaw Strike” so that it more easily hit enemies when activated following a 2nd Quick Attack from High Stance.
  • Special Effects available during Yokai Shift are now activated when performing a grapple after a successful Burst Counter.
  • The Special Effect, “Deflect Bullets & Arrows (Timely Guard),” is now able to deflect some other projectiles. (The deflectable attacks are same as the Switchglaive skill, “Whirling Blade,” and the Onmyo Magic skill, “Gust Talisman.”)
  • Decreased the Amrita and gold rewards from Bakegani and Nuppeppo.
  • Increased the Amrita and gold rewards from Bosses in The Tengu’s Disciple.

The new Nioh 2 update also includes plenty of bug fixes, which you can find detailed in full below.

Nioh 2 is now available on PlayStation 4 worldwide.

The post Nioh 2 Update 1.14 Introduces New Content and Balance Tweaks by Francesco De Meo appeared first on Wccftech.


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