The Surface Duo Is Getting a Much-Needed Update | MakeUseOf - Android Tricks 4 All
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Monday, September 28, 2020

The Surface Duo Is Getting a Much-Needed Update | MakeUseOf

If you saw the negative reviews during the Surface Duo's release, you'll know how reviewers scorned the device's camera for being so low-quality. Now, Microsoft is releasing an update for the Surface Duo to iron out issues with the camera.

Microsoft's Fix for the Surface Duo's Camera

The news broke on Windows Latest, which reported on a "big software update" currently in the works for the Surface Duo.

Of note is the extensive list of features dedicated entirely to the Duo's camera:

Microsoft is working on a camera update for Surface Duo that will enable multiple new features, including a built-in “Image Refiner” and “Photo Solid” mode.Microsoft is working on another feature that will reduce image shake and improve stability by manipulating the image using the Electronic Image Stabilization (EIS) system.Microsoft also appears to be testing “zzHDR” feature to show a live preview of the HDR image without any shutter lag. Other features which were tested internally include Multi-Frame support.

It appears that Microsoft has fully understood the gripes that reviewers had with the device's camera, and will hopefully fix these problems with the update.

What Else Is Included in the Update?

While the camera fixes are a very welcome addition to the Surface Duo, that's not the only thing this patch does. Reviewers also found that apps tended to freeze or lag during use.

As such, Microsoft also includes some performance tweaks with this new patch. If it goes well, Surface Duo users should notice a smoother and quicker experience than before.

Is This Enough to Save the Surface Duo?

Reviewers found many flaws with the Surface Duo right after release, and Microsoft is working to fix them all. However, with the scores now set and the public's opinion swayed by the initial wave, will this new update save the Duo or go unnoticed?

Unfortunately, while the Surface Duo gets all of Microsoft's attention, the Surface Neo is still missing after its recent delay. Hopefully, this delay gives Microsoft time to apply what it learned with the Duo onto the Neo, so it receives positive acclaim on release.

Image Credit: Mr.Mikla /



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