Spotify will now let users search songs by lyrics, feature rolling out to both Android and iOS apps - Android Tricks 4 All
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Spotify will now let users search songs by lyrics, feature rolling out to both Android and iOS apps

One can go about an entire day repeating the same two lines of the chorus without zeroing down on the title of the song. You could have heard a catchy tune of an old song in the traffic or a trendy EDM beat suddenly popped in your head. But no matter how hard you try to find out the details in your head, you meet a dead end. Only until now. Spotify will now come to the rescue. As per the latest lyrics search update, users will be able to type in the lyrics and get to the song title easily in the app.

Spotify has a total of 217 million customers including users of its free service. Image: Reuters

Spotify designer Lina Wang tweeted the update recently. As can be seen in the picture, once users type in certain lyrics in the Search bar, Spotify search reveals all the songs that have the same lyrics in the result. The titles also have a ‘Lyrics Match’ tag under them.

The update has already started rolling out for both Android and iOS users, according to Lina. Now users will not have to type the lyrics in search engines to discover the track and then open music streaming apps to add the song to their favourites. However, Spotify is hardly the first platform to offer the service.

This update brings Spotify on the same level as Apple Music that has been providing lyrics search since 2018. With iOS 12, Apple had brought the same feature to its Music application. Like Spotify, users had to go to the search bar in Apple Music, type part of the lyrics they can remember and press search.

Another feature that both the competing platforms share is that of the collaborative playlist that Spotify added just a few days back. Using this feature, you can invite others to “swap podcast recommendations, share your latest music discoveries, and build the perfect playlist” with them. According to the company blog, users can add others only on playlists that they have created on their own.


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