The Ultimate List of Adobe Lightroom Keyboard Shortcuts - Android Tricks 4 All
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The Ultimate List of Adobe Lightroom Keyboard Shortcuts

Have a massive collection of photos? Adobe Lightroom provides you with the tools to organize, edit, store, and share those photos. So when you're ready to clean out your camera next time, Adobe Lightroom can streamline the process.

To help you sort your photo collection faster, we've collected the best Lightroom shortcuts. As another in-depth program, these ten categories will help you work across the entirety of Lightroom. These shortcuts range from module-specific to generalized use.

So whether you're needing to target one area in particular or just want to learn the program, these shortcuts will help you.

FREE DOWNLOAD: This cheat sheet is available as a downloadable PDF from our distribution partner, TradePub. You will have to complete a short form to access it for the first time only. Download the Ultimate List of Adobe Lightroom Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet.

Lightroom Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
Photos and Catalog Shortcuts
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + I Import photos (from disk)
Right/Left Arrow Next/Previous Photo in Filmstrip
Ctrl/Cmd + R Library/Develop Modules - Show File in Explorer/Finder
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + E Export selected photo(s)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E / Cmd + Option + Shift + E Export selected photo(s) with previous settings
F2 Rename Photo (Library Module)
Backspace/Delete Remove selected photo(s)
Ctrl + Backspace / Cmd + Delete Delete rejected photo(s)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Backspace / Cmd + Option + Shift + Delete Delete selected photo(s) and send to Recycling Bin or Trash
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + P Open Page Setup
Ctrl/Cmd + P Print selected photo
Ctrl/Cmd + , (comma) Open Preferences
Ctrl + O / Cmd + Shift + O Open Catalog
Ctrl + Alt + , (comma) / Cmd + Option + , comma Open Catalog Settings
Alt + Backspace / Option + Delete Catalog - Remove selected photo(s)
Ctrl/Cmd + E Edit in Photoshop
Ctrl + Alt + E / Cmd + Option + E Edit in Other Program
Module Shortcuts
Ctrl + Alt + 1 / Cmd + Option + 1 Library Module
Ctrl + Alt + 2 / Cmd + Option + 2 Develop Module
Ctrl + Alt + 3 / Cmd + Option + 3 Map Module
Ctrl + Alt + 4 / Cmd + Option + 4 Book Module
Ctrl + Alt + 5 / Cmd + Option + 5 Slideshow Module
Ctrl + Alt + 6 / Cmd + Option + 6 Print Module
Ctrl + Alt + 7 / Cmd + Option + 7 Web Module
Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow / Cmd + Option + Left Arrow Back a Module
Ctrl + Alt + Right Arrow / Cmd + Option + Right Arrow Forward a Module
Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow / Cmd + Option + Up Arrow Go to Previous Module
Panel Shortcuts
Tab Side Panels - Show/Hide
Shift + Tab All Panels - Show/Hide
Tab Toolbar - Show/Hide
F5 Module Picker - Show/Hide
F6 Filmstrip - Show/Hide
F7 Left Panels - Show/Hide
F8 Right Panels - Show/Hide
Changing Screen Modes and Views
Ctrl + Alt + F / Cmd + Option + F Normal Screen Mode
Ctrl + Shift + F / Cmd + Shift+ F Full Screen and Hide Panels
F Cycle Screen Modes
Shift + F Next Screen Mode
Ctrl/Cmd + I Info Overlay - Show/Hide
I Cycle Info Overlay
E Library Loupe View
G Library Grid View
C Library Compare View
N Library Survey View
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + L Lights Dim Mode - Toggle
Z Zoom View - Toggle
Metadata and Keywords Shortcuts
Ctrl/Cmd + K Add Keywords
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + K Edit Keywords
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + K / Cmd + Option + Shift + K Set a Keyword Shortcut
Alt/Option + 1-9 Add a Keyword from Keyword Set to Selected Photo
Shift + K Add/Remove Keyword Shortcut from Selected Photo
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C / Cmd + Option + Shift + C Copy Metadata
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + V / Cmd + Option + Shift + V Paste Metadata
Ctrl/Cmd + S Save Metadata to File
Flagging and Filtering Photos
P Flag Photo - Pick
Shift + P Flag Photo - Pick and Go to Next Photo
X Flag Photo - Reject
Shift + X Flag Photo - Reject and Go to Next Photo
U Unflag Photo
Shift + U Unflag Photo and Go to Next Photo
' (back quote) Cycle Flag Settings
Ctrl/Cmd + L Filters - Toggle
Ctrl + Alt + R /Cmd + Option + R Refine Photos
Develop Module Shortcuts
V Convert to Grayscale
W Select White Balance Tool
R Select Crop Tool
A When Crop Tool is Selected (Constrain Aspect Ratio)
Q Select Spot Removal Tool
K Select Adjustment Brush Tool
M Select Graduated Filter Tool
Ctrl/Cmd + U Auto Tone
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + U Auto White Balance
J Show Clipping
Ctrl/Cmd + ] Rotate Photo Right (Clockwise)
Ctrl/Cmd + [ Rotate Photo Left (Counterclockwise)
Slideshow Module Shortcuts
Enter/Return Play Slide Show
Ctrl + Enter / Cmd + Return Play Impromptu Slide Show
Spacebar Pause Slide Show
Alt + Enter / Option + Return Preview Slide Show
Esc End Slide Show
Right Arrow Go to Next Slide
Left Arrow Go to Previous Slide
Ctrl/Cmd + J Export PDF Slide Show
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + J Export JPEG Slide Show
Ctrl + Alt + J / Cmd + Option + J Export Video Slide Show
Print Module Shortcuts
Ctrl/Cmd + P Print
Ctrl + Alt + P / Cmd + Option + P Print One Copy
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P / Cmd + Option + Shift + P Print Settings
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Left Arrow Go to First Page
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Right Arrow Go to Last Page
Ctrl/Cmd + Left Arrow Go to Previous Page
Ctrl/Cmd + Right Arrow Go to Next Page
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + H Guides (Show/Hide)
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + M Margins and Gutters (Show/Hide)
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + J Page Bleed (Show/Hide)
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + K Image Cells (Show/Hide)
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + U Dimensions (Show/Hide)
Ctrl/Cmd + R Rulers (Show/Hide)
Web Module Shortcuts
Ctrl/Cmd + J Export Web Gallery
Ctrl/Cmd + R Reload Web Gallery
Ctrl/Cmd + S Save Web Gallery Settings
Ctrl + Alt + P / Cmd + Option + P Preview in Browser

Lightroom Magic: Taking Control of Your Photos

When you first start bringing your photos into Lightroom, it can seem like a lot. However, as you learn Lightroom's shortcuts, you'll see how everything integrates together.

From that point on, you can explore more of Lightroom's many benefits. For instance, try these free Lightroom presets for any occasion.

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