How to Hide Your Phone Number When Calling and Texting - Android Tricks 4 All
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How to Hide Your Phone Number When Calling and Texting

Sometimes you might want to send a call or text without revealing your main phone number to the recipient.

For example, perhaps you're reaching out to a seller on Craigslist about an item they've listed, or you're making the first contact with someone who you have been chatting to on a dating site.

Wouldn't it be great to have a second number that you can use in those situations?

With Hushed, you can. Better yet, MakeUseOf can offer readers a massive 86 percent discount on the regular price, meaning you can bag yourself a lifetime plan for just $19.99.

But how does Hushed work? And what exactly do you get with the deal? Keep reading to learn more.

What Is Hushed and How Does it Work?

Hushed is a smartphone app that's available on both Android and iOS.

It lets you create a private second number and use it to send texts and make calls any time that you do not want to reveal your main number.

When you sign up for a second number with Hushed, you can choose from over 300 area codes in the United States, Canada, and the UK. It means that your new private number will look like a regular number to the receiver in whatever location you live in.

The deal we're offering readers—which is a lifetime plan—lets you send 6,000 texts or make 1,000 minutes of calls (or a combination thereof) per year. There are no monthly fees and you will not be required to sign up for any lengthy contracts.

You can even customize your own voicemail message; if someone tries to get in touch and you miss the call, they'll hear your voice and thus will not realize that your Hushed number is not your main number. Call forwarding is also supported.

The calls and texts themselves are sent over Wi-Fi or 4G, so make sure you have enough juice left in your data plan if plan to use Hushed while you are on the road.

Benefits of the MakeUseOf Deal

If you buy the Hushed plan through MakeUseOf, you'll get access to one phone line and 6,000 texts/1,000 minutes. Be aware that you need to use your Hushed private number at least once every six months in order to keep the number reserved.

It's also important to know that Hushed numbers might not work with third-party verification services (such as online banking) and will not let you make emergency calls in any jurisdiction.

To grab Hushed for $19.99 today, click the link and add the deal to your cart.

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