Video streaming app usage jumped 15% during Q3 2020 - Android Tricks 4 All
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Video streaming app usage jumped 15% during Q3 2020

Usage of video streaming apps rose in Q3 2020 by 15% as smartphone users continue to be locked down and the colder weather is keeping them trapped indoors.

According to data from analytics firm App Annie, usage of video streaming apps rose in aggregate across the year and is expected to continue as more video streaming apps emerge and existing ones expand their streaming repertoire.

YouTube ranked at the top during late October to early November for time spent in app.

In both the US and UK, Netflix came in second place.

Users are also spending much of their time in apps like Twitch, Hulu and Amazon Prime Video.

App Annie expects that in 2021, the average number of video streaming apps installed per device is going to come close to 10 in the US.

During the Halloween weekend, downloads of Disney+ jumped 55% in the US.

Amazon Prime Video saw a surge of downloads in October (+854,000).

It seems that the appetite for streaming and entertainment apps is one thing that’s not being hindered by Covid-related lockdowns.

The post Video streaming app usage jumped 15% during Q3 2020 appeared first on Business of Apps.


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