HBO Max downloads skyrocketed in December - Android Tricks 4 All
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HBO Max downloads skyrocketed in December

With lockdowns keeping more people confined to their homes, HBO saw downloads of its HBO Max skyrocket to 680,000 during the festive period. That’s 5x more downloads than any other three-day period.

Downloads were highest on the Saturday during the holiday season on both App Store and Google Play.

But downloads don’t automatically turn into revenue for the app because HBO Max does offer a free trial period.

According to AppFigures data, HBO Max generated a revenue of around $1 million during the holiday period. It added over 136,000 paying subscriptions during the festive season.

HBO Max reports that it has some 12.6 million subscribers with grew 36% in December compared to November.

Similar to Disney, HBO chose to release its Wonder Woman 1984 film directly on the app given that theatres are closed.

Wonder Woman outperformed Disney’s Mulan by some 200,000 downloads. It remains to be seen if the release turns into a one hit wonder for HBO Max or if the platform can continue to grow in 2021.

The post HBO Max downloads skyrocketed in December appeared first on Business of Apps.


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