Parler Is Back Online, But It's Still Unusable - Android Tricks 4 All
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Parler Is Back Online, But It's Still Unusable

After Amazon Web Services dropped Parler for lax moderation policies, Parler is showing signs of a rebound.

Navigating to the Parler site no longer gives you an error message—it now displays an actual webpage with several encouraging messages from the Parler team.

Parler Is Slowly Making a Comeback

If you head to the Parler website, you'll see an update about the site's uncertain status. Parler was essentially blacklisted from the entire internet following the pro-Trump protests at Capitol Hill. The network prides itself in being a platform for free speech, and has become a hub for political conservatives.

Unfortunately, it was that freedom of speech policy that spun Parler into a downward spiral. Google and Apple slammed Parler with a temporary ban from mobile app stores, alleging that Parler's lenient moderation policy let violent content slip through the cracks. Amazon, Parler's web host, shortly followed suit, dealing the final blow to Parler's online presence.

Parler hasn't been accessible from mobile devices or web browsers since the ban. But now, it's clear that a change is coming.

The Parler site now consists of a single webpage. On the page, you'll see a "Technical Difficulties" update that displays the following message to users:

We believe privacy is paramount and free speech essential, especially on social media. Our aim has always been to provide a nonpartisan public square where individuals can enjoy and exercise their rights to both. We will resolve any challenge before us and plan to welcome all of you back soon. We will not let civil discourse perish!

The page also displays posts from Parler CEO, John Matze, as well as Amy Peikoff, the Chief Policy Officer of Parler, and Dan Bongino, a political commentator and Parler stakeholder.

Bongino urges Parler users to "fight for liberty, truth, and freedom," and notes that "this fight is bigger than me, and it’s bigger than Parler. If they’re allowed to silence us, they can silence anyone. It stops now."

Matze also linked to an article from Fox News, in which he says that he's "confident" that the site will be up and running soon. The report also states that Parler has registered with a new web host, Epik.

Parler's Return Is Inevitable

Parler garnered a huge community following US President Donald Trump's loss in the 2020 presidential election. Many Trump supporters claimed that mainstream social networks, like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, engaged in censorship, prompting the mass exodus to Parler.

As it stands, it looks like Parler is slowly coming back to life. But this doesn't change the fact that Parler will still be unavailable on the Google Play and App Store.

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