Essential Keyboard Shortcuts for Google Slides on Windows and Mac - Android Tricks 4 All
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Sunday, February 14, 2021

Essential Keyboard Shortcuts for Google Slides on Windows and Mac

If you're looking for a great and free presentation software, look no further: you need Google Slides.

Whether it's creating fun and interactive presentations for your friends and family, or professional and engaging decks for your workplace, Google Slides will get the job done.

If you want to use Google Slides like a real professional, you need to master its shortcuts. You can use these to navigate, control, and present with speed, meaning you can spend less time fiddling with the mouse and more time focussing on your content.

That's why we've put together this list of essential Google Slides Shortcuts for Windows and Mac.

FREE DOWNLOAD: This cheat sheet is available as a downloadable PDF from our distribution partner, TradePub. You will have to complete a short form to access it for the first time only. Download the Google Slides Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet.

Google Slides Shortcuts for Windows and Mac

Ctrl + M Ctrl + M New slide
Ctrl + D ⌘ + D Duplicate slide
Ctrl + Z ⌘ + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y ⌘ + Y Redo
Ctrl + C ⌘ + C Copy
Ctrl + X ⌘ + X Cut
Ctrl + V ⌘ + V Paste
Ctrl + Alt + C ⌘ + Option + C Copy selected section formatting
Ctrl + Alt + V ⌘ + Option + V Paste selected section formatting
Ctrl + K ⌘ + K Insert/edit link
Alt + Enter Option + Enter Open link
Ctrl + A ⌘ + A Select all
Ctrl + Shift + A ⌘ + Shift + A Select none
Ctrl + F ⌘ + F Find
Ctrl + H ⌘ + Shift + H Find and replace
Ctrl + G ⌘ + G Find again
Ctrl + Shift + G ⌘ + Shift + G Find previous
Ctrl + O ⌘ + O Open
Ctrl + P ⌘ + P Print
Ctrl + / ⌘ + / Show shortcuts
Alt + / Option + / Search menu
Ctrl + Shift + F Ctrl + Shift + F Hide/show menus
Ctrl + Shift + C ⌘ + Shift + C Turn on captions during presentation
Up arrow Up arrow Previous slide
Down arrow Down arrow Next slide
Home Fn + Left arrow First slide
End Fn + Right arrow Last slide
Ctrl + Up arrow ⌘ + Up arrow Move slide up
Ctrl + Down arow ⌘ + Down arrow Move slide down
Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow ⌘ + Shift + Up arrow Move slide to beginning
Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow ⌘ + Shift + Down arrow Move slide to end
Shift + Up Arrow Shift + Up arrow Select previous slide
Shift + Down arrow Shift + Down arrow Select next slide
Shift + Home Shift + Fn + Left arrow Select first slide
Shift + End Shift + Fn + Right arrow Select last slide
Ctrl + Alt and + ⌘ + Option + Plus Zoom in
Ctrl + Alt and - ⌘ + Option + Minus Zoom out
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F ⌘ + Option + Shift + F Move to filmstrip
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C ⌘ + Option + Shift + C Move to canvas
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S ⌘ + Option + Shift + S Open speaker notes panel
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P ⌘ + Option + Shift + P Change to HTML view of presentation
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + B ⌘ + Option + Shift + B Open animations panel
Enter Enter Continue in animation preview
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I ⌘ + Option + Shift + I Open Explore
Ctrl + Alt + . ⌘ + Option + . Go to side panel
Ctrl + Shift + Y N/A Open dictionary
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H ⌘ + Option + Shift + H Open revision history panel
Hold Ctrl + Alt, E, P Hold Ctrl + ⌘, E, P Open cell border selection (for tables)
Enter Enter Play the selected video
Ctrl + F5 ⌘ + Enter Present slides
Esc Esc Exit the current mode
Ctrl + Shift + X ⌘ + Shift + \ Context menu
Alt + Shift + F Ctrl + Option + F File menu
Alt + Shift + E Ctrl + Option + E Edit menu
Alt + Shift + V Ctrl + Option + V View menu
Alt + Shift + I Ctrl + Option + I Insert menu
Alt + Shift + O Ctrl + Option + O Format menu
Alt + Shift + T Ctrl + Option + T Tools menu
Alt + Shift + H Ctrl + Option + H Help menu
Alt + Shift + A N/A Accessibility menu
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + K ⌘ + Option + Shift + L Input tools menu
Ctrl + Shift + K ⌘ + Shift + K Toggle input controls
Ctrl + Alt + M ⌘ + Option + M Insert comment
Ctrl + Enter Ctrl + Enter Enter current comment
J J Next comment
K K Previous comment
R R Reply to comment
E E Resolve comment
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + A ⌘ + Option + Shift + A Open comment discussion thread
Esc Esc Stop presenting
Right arrow Right arrow Next
Left arrow Left arrow Previous
Number, Enter Number, Enter Specific slide
Home Home First slide
End End Last slide
S S Open speaker notes
A A Open audience tools
L L Toggle laser pointer
Ctrl + Shift + C ⌘ + Shift + C Toggle captions
F11 ⌘ + Shift + F Toggle full screen
B B Show a blank black slide
W W Show a blank white slide

Present Wherever You Are

Google Slides is great for many reasons, not least because it lets you present from wherever you are. You don't need to bring your own computer or hope that someone has the presentation software.

If Google Slides doesn't take your fancy, there are other tools like Microsoft PowerPoint and Zoho WorkDrive that let you present remotely.



This is just an example, you can fill it later with your own note.