How to Use a Password Manager With Your Android Device - Android Tricks 4 All
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Sunday, February 7, 2021

How to Use a Password Manager With Your Android Device

Android has a great feature that allows password managers to directly fill in your login details in apps and services on your Android device. It greatly improves the experience of using a password manager as the entire process happens in just a few taps. You no longer have to go back and forth between apps to see and then enter their login details.

Here's how you can properly and securely use a password manager in Android to autofill your login details in apps and websites.

Why You Should Use a Password Manager

If you value the security and safety of your online accounts, you should never use the same passwords across them. With the number of apps and services that we all use on a daily basis constantly growing, remembering so many unique passwords is not a feasible option as well.

This is where a password manager comes in as it will store all your passwords safely and securely.

You can even generate new passwords using a password manager so you won't have to think of a new one every time you register on a new app or service. Storing all your login credentials in a password manager is a much better option than simply writing it down somewhere.

All data stored in a password manager is encrypted using a master password. This master password acts as a key to unlock the encrypted data. Most password managers do not offer an option to reset this master password, so if you forget it, you could end up being locked out of your account as well. However, remembering just one master password is far easier than hundreds of passwords for all the apps and services you use.

You can use a password manager for more than just storing your login credentials. It can save your important notes, files, bank account details, and more. Some password managers also offer an option to generate two-factor authentication codes. Check out some useful password manager features to use it to the fullest.

Every time you open a password manager, you'll first have to verify your identity by entering the master password or via biometric authentication. Depending on how strongly you want to secure your password manager account, there's also the option of using hardware-based two-factor authentication security keys for additional security.

You can read about how different password managers work to know how they are able to save your important passwords securely.

How to Use a Password Manager With Android

All major password managers support the autofill API in Android. This means once the password manager of your choice has been granted the relevant permissions, it will show a dropdown menu with the login credentials of whatever app you are trying to log into.

Related: The Best Password Managers for Every Occasion

It goes without saying that you must first sign up with a password manager of your choice and make sure to install its app on your Android device and log into it. Once you've done that:

  1. Open the Settings menu on your Android device and navigate to System > Language & input > Autofill service. If you don't see this option, search for "Autofill service" in the Settings menu.
  2. Select your password manager from the Autofill service list. If you do not use any password manager and have your passwords saved in Google Chrome instead, select Google from the list.
  3. Tap OK when prompted on whether you trust the app you just selected or not.
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Now that the password manager has been properly set up, it can easily autofill your login details in any app that you download on your Android device.

For security reasons, you will have to verify your identity either through the fingerprint scanner or by unlocking your password manager whenever you try to use the autofill feature. You'll have to ensure that the biometric unlock feature is enabled from the settings menu of your password manager for the latter though.

How to Autofill Passwords Using a Password Manager

Now your password manager is set up, you can use it to autofill passwords whenever you need to log in to one of your apps.

  1. Open any app on your Android device and head over to its login page.
  2. Tap the field where you are required to enter your username/email ID. Your password manager will automatically show up as a drop-down option.
  3. Tap on it, confirm your identity and select the login credentials that you want to enter. You will also have the option of searching through your vault if you have multiple logins for the same app.
  4. Everything will be automatically filled in and you can then tap the login button to sign in to your account.

Whenever you open an app that asks for your login details, your password manager will automatically detect such fields and show a prompt to fill them. It is also important that you keep your password manager organized especially if you have been using one for a very long time.

How to Autofill Login Details on Websites

Your password manager can also automatically fill in your login details on websites in browsers like Chrome and Firefox for Android. You'll have to give the app accessibility access on your Android device for this to work properly though.

  1. Open the Settings menu on your Android device and head over to the Accessibility section.
  2. Inside the Downloaded services or Installed services menu, select your password manager and grant it Accessibility access.

Now your password manager will also show a dropdown menu to autofill login details every time you open the login section of any website that you visit.

Password managers are also smart enough to automatically prompt you to save login details whenever they detect that you have registered for a new account on an app or website on your Android device.

Always Use a Password Manager

You should always use a password manager for storing your important login credentials, bank account details, and other notes. With password managers integrating neatly into Android itself and automatically filling in your login details once properly set up, there's little reason not to.

If you value your privacy and online security, a password manager will give you peace of mind as it is a safer and secure option than using the same password across various apps and services.



This is just an example, you can fill it later with your own note.