Eliminate Unwanted Texts & iMessages on Your iPhone to Avoid Spam, Scams & Phishing Attacks - Android Tricks 4 All
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Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Eliminate Unwanted Texts & iMessages on Your iPhone to Avoid Spam, Scams & Phishing Attacks

Next to spam calls, few things are more annoying than being inundated with spam, scam, and smishing texts. Your iPhone's Messages app should be a place for your friends and family to stay in touch, not a minefield of phishing attacks, malicious links, and viruses. Luckily, there are quite a few methods to block and report your way to a more spam-free iPhone. Unfortunately, there is no full-proof method to dodging spam entirely. If there were, the discoverer would win a noble prize for sure. But the options below can help stop spammers, scammers, and phishers who manage to contact you, as well... more



This is just an example, you can fill it later with your own note.