Peloton Sessions Let You Schedule Workouts With Friends - Android Tricks 4 All
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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Peloton Sessions Let You Schedule Workouts With Friends

With COVID-19 still making its rounds around the world, exercising with your friends can be tricky to coordinate safely. If you miss sweating it out with your best bud, you may be interested in Peloton's new Sessions feature designed specifically for remote group exercise.

Peloton's Plans for Group Sessions at Home

Peloton announced its new Sessions feature on its blog, The Output. To get started with Sessions, you first pick out which workout you'd like to torment your friends with. It's not just restricted to cycling, either; Peloton also supports using Sessions for running routines.

Once you've found the perfect workout, you can set a date and time in the Peloton app for when you want to get going. Once you've set the date, you can create a link that you share through a third-party app. This link will invite people to come sweat alongside you.

If anyone is brave enough to join you, they'll get a notification five minutes before the session starts, reminding them of what they signed up for. If your friend is ready to go, they can hit a button on the notification and join your group session.

Everyone starts at the same time and gets the same workout that you chose at the beginning. Once the workout is over, everyone can see how well they did on a special leaderboard generated for that session.

A New Solution for a Different World

Ever since COVID-19 hit the scene, it has been hard for people to get their daily exercise done. People wanting to get some fresh air will likely find all the usual parks and gyms locked down; that is, if they're not isolating at home in the first place.

Unfortunately, some people have exercise buddies that act as a huge motivator to get moving. This setup has become harder to do safely, now with the threat of COVID-19 always lingering around us.

As such, Peloton's new Sessions are a welcome breath of fresh air in a lockdown-stricken world. While it will never beat cycling through the great outdoors with your friends, the Sessions are definitely the next best thing while we work through this pandemic.

If you've never tried a Peloton bike before and you're curious, we recently named it one of the best Apple Fitness alternatives that you can try.

I Want to Ride My Bicycle

The current world situation has made it very difficult, if not impossible to get a proper workout with friends. Fortunately, Peloton is helping others link up and work up a sweat with one another, with some friendly competition to boot.

If you've got the itch to go out cycling once more, now is a fantastic time to get yourself geared up for when the pandemic blows over. For instance, did you know that there are devices that let you charge your phone while you cycle?

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