Redmi launched its first smart TV in India last week at a starting price of Rs 32,999. The Redmi Smart TV X Series will go on the first sale in India today at 12 pm, Mi Home, Mi Studio and Amazon India. The TV series includes Smart TV X65, Smart TV X55 and Smart TV X50. All three smart televisions feature the same specifications but come in three different screen sizes. The Redmi Smart TV X series runs on Android TV 10-based PatchWall OS and comes with support for 4K HDR technology and Dolby Vision.
Redmi Smart TV pricing and availability
Redmi Smart TV comes in three different size variants. The 65-inch variant is priced at Rs 57,999, the 55-inch variant will cost you Rs 38,999 and the 50-inch model will be available at Rs 32,999.
The three models will be available for purchase today at 12 pm on, Mi Home, Mi Studio and Amazon India.
Indulge in the #XLExperience with Redmi's FIRST SmartTV here to blow your mind away!
Brilliant Display, Amazing Audio, Patchwall.....
We bring you all in three variants: #RedmiSmartTVX65 #RedmiSmartTVX55 #RedmiSmartTVX50.
On Sale➡️26th March
— Redmi India - #RedmiNote10 Series (@RedmiIndia) March 19, 2021
Redmi Smart TV specifications and features
The Redmi Smart TV X series, as mentioned, includes three variants – Smart TV X65, Smart TV X55 and Smart TV X50. As the name suggests, the TVs sport a 65-inch, 55-inch and 50-inch display respectively. Besides the screen size, all three TVs feature the same specifications.
The Redmi Smart TV X series is powered by a quad-core A55 chipset, with Mali G52 MP2 GPU, 2 GB RAM and 16 GB storage.
The Redmi Smart TV X series comes with 4K HDR technology and Dolby Vision. The smart TVs also support HDR 10+. The Redmi TVs feature a 15 W stereo speaker on either side of the TV and sport DTS Virtual X for audio.
The Redmi Smart TV X series runs on Android TV 10-based PatchWall OS.
With the Redmi smart TVs, Redmi India has also announced the Mi Home app for the TVs, which will allow users to control their IoT products directly from the big screen.
In a move to reduce the waste that accumulates because of the product packaging, Redmi India has also created an eco-packaging for the Redmi Smart TV X series, which can be reused as a bookshelf.