WoW Classic: The Burning Crusade Beta Has Kicked Off; Currently Limited to Level 64 Without PVP Content - Android Tricks 4 All
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WoW Classic: The Burning Crusade Beta Has Kicked Off; Currently Limited to Level 64 Without PVP Content

Burning Crusade

The WoW Classic: The Burning Crusade Beta is now officially underway for a select number of players.

Yesterday we already covered that the beta for TBC Classic briefly appeared in the launcher. According to Blizzard, however, this was caused by a bug. Fast forward 24 hours and Blizzard has now officially announced that the closed beta has kicked off for those invited. Only those who’ve opted in for the beta and have been granted access are able to test the game in a closed beta environment. Luckily, more players will be invited throughout the course of the beta.

“The Burning Crusade Classic beta test has begun!”, Blizzard writes. “Over the course of the test, we’ll be inviting opt-in beta testers and more to check out the upcoming Classic expansion and give us feedback.”

“Players selected to participate in the beta test will receive an email invitation directing them to download the beta client directly from the desktop app.”

Getting Started

  • If you’ve been selected to participate in the beta test, your account will already be flagged for access.
  • Make sure your graphics drivers are up to date.
  • Run the desktop app—it may need to update itself if you haven’t run it recently. If you don’t have the app installed, get started here.
  • Once is installed and updated, select World of Warcraft from the list of games.
  • In the Game Version drop-down menu above the Play button, choose the Burning Crusade (listed under In Development), then click Install.
  • Allow installation to complete, click Play and select any of the available Test Servers.
  • Create a new test character or copy over a character from your live WoW Classic account using the Copy Character button.
  • Enter the game and test the content.

Currently, the beta is limited to testing content up to level 64. In addition, PvP content is currently not available and third-party add-ons are currently disabled. Blizzard has confirmed that, in the days to come, the level cap will be increased to allow for further testing.

WoW Classic: The Burning Crusade will release later this year. Blizzard will be offering paid level boosts for those who want to enter Outland right away.

The post WoW Classic: The Burning Crusade Beta Has Kicked Off; Currently Limited to Level 64 Without PVP Content by Aernout van de Velde appeared first on Wccftech.


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