Last week, Realme launched the new Realme 8 5G smartphone is India, which in addition to the Realme 8 and Realme 8 Pro that were launched last month. The Realme 8 5G is powered by MediaTek Dimensity 700 5G chipset and comes with up to 8G RAM. The Realme 8 5G features a handful of different specifications compared to its non-5G sibling. The only evident similarity between the two is the familiar moniker and the 5,000 mAh battery. Starting 12 pm on 28 April, Realme 8 5G will be available for purchase on Flipkart and
Realme 8 5G pricing and availability
Realme 8 5G comes in two RAM configurations:
4 GB RAM + 128 GB storage: Rs 14,999
8 GB RAM + 128 GB storage: Rs 16,999
Realme 8 5G specifications and features
Realme 8 5G features a 6.5-inch FHD+ display with 90 Hz refresh rate. The smartphone is powered by MediaTek Dimensity 700 SoC. It comes with 128 GB internal storage, which is expandable up to 1 TB. The Realme 8 5G comes in two RAM configurations: 4 GB RAM and 8 GB RAM. The smartphone also uses the DRE technology, which essentially uses the free memory in the phone as "virtual RAM".
For photography, the Realme 8 5G uses a a 48 MP quad-camera setup. The smartphone comes with a side-mounted fingerprint sensor.
Fuelling the smartphone is 5,000 mAh battery, which comes with support for 18W fast charger. The smartphone also comes with an 18W charger in the box.