7 Compelling Google Chrome 90 Features That Change Your Browsing for the Better - Android Tricks 4 All
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7 Compelling Google Chrome 90 Features That Change Your Browsing for the Better

Imagine enjoying high-speed connectivity while saving your data. Google Chrome is constantly looking for ways to give you a better internet experience. Google Chrome 90 includes numerous features that take these improvements a bit further with its latest update.

One of the outstanding feature updates saves your data when you surf the internet. This article will also discuss other improvements Google made under the hood to its browser.

1. Better Video With Less Bandwidth Usage

Video conferencing has rapidly integrated into our day-to-day work and social lives. Google Chrome 90 now supports a video codec called AV1. AV1 is a codec optimized for higher quality video conferencing. You might have already witnessed the effects of AV1 with Netflix streaming.

Netflix's main aim was to deliver efficient and high-quality video streams for mobile users. Also, Netflix wanted to include subscribers on limited data plans on their phones.

Now, Google Chrome is using a similar approach. AV1 compresses videos more efficiently that should work with speeds as low as 30kbps. This will cut data consumption and help those struggling with network reliability.

With AV1, you get to enjoy high-quality videos, video conferencing, and faster video loading times, even with a slow internet connection. This feature is the solution to those awkward moments in meetings where you miss a few sentences because of the poor video connection.

As part of Google's aim to help you save data, Google Meet also has a new saver mode to help you lower your data bills and improve battery life.

2. Chrome Will Default to HTTPS

Google Chrome 90 has put several security fixes in place that make browsing more secure. Chrome will now default to HTTPS. Prior to this update, you either had to install an HTTPS extension that automatically used the secure website or manually type in the secure version in the address bar.

Now, when you browse the net, Chrome automatically defaults to the secure version of the website.

Google Chrome 90 will still use the secure HTTPS version if you try to type in a non-secure version. The Chrome 90 update blocks browser access to TCP port 554 to protect you from hackers.

One of the factors that motivated this security upgrade was a new attack variant which was reported by researchers last year. The variant can expose all internal network devices to the internet.

Chrome 90 will allow you to share links of specific text on a webpage. Previously, you shared a link to an entire page, now you can share links to specific paragraphs on a page.

The "Copy link to highlight" feature is currently only available on the desktop and Android browsers but is rolling out slowly to all users. To share text, select the text you want to share, right-click to choose the “Copy link to highlight” option in the context menu.

4. Search Through Open Tabs

Do you struggle to find a specific tab among all open ones? You can now search through your open tabs in your browser. The search feature browses through the titles and descriptions of your open tabs. To search through your open tabs click the downward-facing arrow on the top right of your browser.

Do note that the search feature does not browse through the contents of your open tabs, it only helps you search through the titles.

Additional Chrome 90 Features

The above features aren't the only benefits that Chrome 90 has to offer. Here are some additional features you can expect from the update.

Improved Copy and Paste: An Alternative to Drag and Drop

With Chrome 90, you can copy and paste files from your clipboard just like you do on a desktop app. To add an attachment to Gmail or any other file to a website you don't have to rely on a file picker or drag and drop alone. Copy the file to the clipboard and then simply hit CTRL + V on the site open in Chrome.

Window Naming

Google Chrome 90 has a new window management feature to help you identify and group multiple browser windows. If your browser experiences an unexpected crash, Chrome 90 will restore the names you have added.

To name a window, click the three-dot menu icon on the top right of your browser, select More Tools > Name Window.

​Google Is Introducing FLoC in Chrome 90

FLoC stands for Federated Learning of Cohorts. FLoC is a feature that will replace third-party cookies for showing you relevant ads. Instead of advertisers targeting ads specifically for you, you will be part of a group of at least 1000 users who have the same interests. With FLoC, advertisers will get to show ads to your group, and other groups with common interests.

This means you will be "hidden" inside this larger anonymous group. However, this feature might not be such a win for all parties because this gives Google more control over the digital advertising businesses, increasing Google’s revenues while third-parties might lose revenue.

Google has not fully rolled out this feature. FLoC is being tested on Chrome 90 and is releasing new settings inside the Privacy and security options.

How to Update to Chrome 90

To update to Chrome 90 on your mobile browser, here's what you need to do:

Click the three vertical dots at the top right of your browser, scroll down and click settings, then click on "About Chrome" and your browser will automatically update.

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Keep in mind that Chrome should automatically update on your desktop browser. To check if you have the latest version, head to the three dots in the right corner of your browser, and select Help > About Google Chrome. From here, you can check if your browser is up to date.

Take Advantage of Chrome 90's New Features

Google Chrome is one of the most popular browsers today. Google's constant updates tighten the browser's security while improving the way we browse the web.

There are various reasons why you should use Google Chrome, from being user-friendly to its high-speed performance, but it's not the only choice as there are many more alternatives to Chrome now.

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