7 Ways the Writers & Artists Website Can Help Creative Writers - Android Tricks 4 All
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7 Ways the Writers & Artists Website Can Help Creative Writers

There are so many resources for creative writers today that sorting through all the information can be overwhelming. The best thing to do is stick with a few reliable platforms to begin with, one of which should be Writers & Artists.

Bloomsbury Publishing created the website, which means that all its tools and services come from an authority in the industry. Get to know exactly what you can expect to find and make the most of the opportunity.

What Is Writers & Artists?

The website was founded in 2011 as an extension of the annual Writers & Artists Yearbook, a manual on creating and publishing your art, whether as a writer or illustrator.

Apart from tips on general and children's fiction, it contains top agents, publishers, and other experts, as well as how to approach them.

Today, the Writers & Artists site encompasses that and more. It's an online community for all things publishing, offering free and paid services to help your creativity flourish. If you don't feel like buying the book, you can invest in a subscription instead that's just as rewarding.

1. Advice and Resources

You have access to free and insightful articles by administrators, artists, agents, and other professionals in publishing. Topics range from developing your ideas and characters to dealing with self-promotion and rejection. You'll find videos, podcasts, and a glossary too.

The paid side of Writers & Artists offers an extensive database of active publishers, literary agents, magazines, societies, and more. To view the listings, you need an annual subscription for standard or children's writers. You can also have both for just under $50.

Be aware, however, that Writers & Artists doesn't just pick the best in the industry for its lists. Companies can pay to be included. Despite Bloomsbury's high standards, it's a good idea to research any names you're thinking of approaching. If nothing else, you’ll get to know them better.

2. Mentoring and Editing Services

Even more exciting are the experts at your disposal as a creative writer. For a fee, you can talk to Bloomsbury-vetted agents and editors about your book, whether it's finished or still just an idea in your head.

Each service offers something different and so their prices vary too, also based on the length of your manuscript and sometimes on your preferred method of communication. Emails, phone calls, and video conferencing are often on the table.

In terms of cost, getting feedback on your opening chapters over the phone can cost around $340. Compared to full manuscript assessment services, which are rarely cheap, this is actually a bargain.

But there are many other mentoring options on offer. In other words, if you plan your writing and editing goals right, you can produce a masterpiece without overspending.

3. Events and Courses

At this time of writing, Writers & Artists only has online sessions, but they're no less interesting. If you want a basic introduction to developing your voice, plot, characters, and other elements, book a spot for $35 and attend from any device with an internet connection.

Masterclasses take more time and money but offer double the expertise in writing specific genres or tackling the publishing process. Then, you have festivals, awards, book readings, and even writers' retreats to explore.

Also keep in mind that Bloomsbury doesn't invite just anyone to teach or speak. Each occasion is an opportunity to pick up great advice, as well as connections that may benefit you in the future. Attend lots of these and your relationship with Writers & Artists could open additional doors.

4. Competitions

Rejection letters and competitions prepare creative writers for a harsh industry. The latter, however, also offer a chance to shine. Outwriting other talented people boosts your confidence, but looks great on your CV too. If you're already marketable, for example, agents and publishers are more likely to sign you.

Writers & Artists has its own competitions to choose from, some free, others requiring a subscription. Winning any of them provides good experience and publicity, but members tend to get a wider range of themes, from prose and poetry to illustrated children's books.

At the same time, you'll find adverts for competitions on other platforms. Writers & Artists wants to help you grow as an artist, even if that means cutting your teeth on someone else's challenges. Learn everything you can from each event, whether you win or lose.

5. Online Community

So far, you get to connect with experts in different publishing fields. If you'd like to meet fellow creative writers too, this is a good website for that. While not the busiest community, it's genuine and rewarding.

There are discussions and groups to join, where you can share your questions, thoughts, experiences, and writing tips. You can also post extracts from your work and get feedback from everyday readers instead of professional editors.

Combine all the tools on Writers & Artists with other social websites for book lovers and you've got a powerful network backing every step of your writerly journey.

6. Blog Contribution

Another interesting Writers & Artists feature is that it welcomes guest blog posts. You need to pitch ideas that fit its guidelines, but, if approved, you'll appear on a prestigious website. You could then share the links and build your online presence.

What they look for are enlightening topics on aspects of the publishing process. Do you have unique experiences with literary agents or cover designers? Any ingenious self-publishing tips you'd like to suggest?

Fit your idea in 800 well-written words alongside a short bio. Add a nice image and choose literary interests the article relates to. Then, wait for Writers & Artists to give its verdict.

7. Association With a Major Publishing House

With Bloomsbury at its back, Writers & Artists is a go-to resource for industry insights. While you may not get special treatment when approaching the publisher with your book, you can still learn so much from the platform.

Get in touch with its experts. Talk to other members. Follow the brand on social media for news on events, competitions, and other opportunities for creative writers. You never know what handy morsels will come your way if you're open to possibilities.

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Every Lesson Can Improve Your Writing

Writers & Artists is here to support you with tools, tips, events, mentors, and like-minded friends. From there, it's up to you to soak up all the knowledge you can and put it into your writing.

Fortunately, more and more technology is also available to make turning your thoughts into words easier. While brainstorming, for example, take the time to explore your word processing software and its helpful features.



This is just an example, you can fill it later with your own note.