How to Add Cash on Delivery in WordPress - Android Tricks 4 All
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How to Add Cash on Delivery in WordPress

Adding the Cash on Delivery (COD) payment method is a great option to offer your customers. This lets them purchase the product without paying in advance, and funds transfer once the item gets to their house. However, you'll have to cover the shipping fee and other charges yourself with this payment method.

We'll walk you through the process step-by-step to enable the Cash on Delivery payment method on your WordPress website.

Why Is the Cash on Delivery Method Important?

With the Cash on Delivery payment method, the customer can pay for their items when they receive them at their home.

Cash on Delivery is the safest option for both buyers and sellers. Firstly, neither side has to pay additional charges from banks. Secondly, customers trust stores offering COD payment methods as there is no chance of fraud.

Thus, buyers don't have to go through the hectic procedure of filling in credit card details and paying in advance for products. On the other hand, stores get loyal customers with every purchase, so it's a win-win system for both sides.

How to Add Cash on Delivery Method

To add a Cash on Delivery method to your site, first, you need to enable it.

1. In the WordPress dashboard, go to WooCommerce > Settings.

2. To enable Cash on Delivery, click on Payments.

Your site will be able to accept Cash on Delivery once it's enabled.

Related: WooCommerce Alternatives For WordPress

What Is WooCommerce Smart COD Plugin?

The Smart COD for WooCommerce, also known as COD or Check > Deliver, allows you to set up and manage Cash on Delivery payment methods in your online store. WooCommerce Smart COD completely automates the Cash on Delivery payment processing.

You can customize the COD payment option by setting low cart value, enabling COD for specific products or pincodes, or adding an extra fee when someone orders a product via this method.

The plugin uses smart logic to generate the shipping label with the Cash on Delivery cost based on the product's price, weight/volume and shipment cost automatically. At the same time, you don't need to set up any code manually.

Download: WooCommerce Smart COD Plugin

Installing the Plugin

1. Navigate to Dashboard > Plugins > Add New.

2. Search for Woocommerce Smart COD. Install and Activate the plugin. You'll see the plugin activated in your active list of plugins.

How to Configure Smart COD Settings

Smart COD allows you to update the title, description, and instructions fields visible to your customers on the product page. Here, you can further explain the process of collecting the payments.

1. When customers check out, you can choose the title they will see.

2. Provide the necessary information to customers in the description box.

3. Explain the payment processing in the Instructions field.

4. Select the shipping methods, locations, and rates.

5. Activate the check box for accepting virtual orders.

Use this payment method only if either you deliver the product to your customer or the customer picks it up themselves. In addition, you can only use shipping companies that accept payment upon delivery for this mode of payment.

Adding Additional Features

In addition to providing extra information about the Cash on Delivery option, the plugin gives you the capability to add a variety of restrictions based on the customer's location, shipping method, and many other factors. You can also set the extra fees to control the shipping charges across different regions effectively.

A few of its robust features are listed here.

Disable the COD Option for Low Order Value

1. In WordPress dashboard, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments.

2. Right next to the Cash on Delivery option, click Manage.

This section will display the payment gateways you have installed. With the I/O button that appears next to each payment method, you can enable or disable the payment gateway. You can also drag and drop the display order to suit your needs.

3. Ensure the option Cash on Delivery only if the cart value is above or equal than is enabled.

4. Enter the upper purchase limit for customers to qualify for Cash on Delivery.

The Cash on Delivery option will not be available on the product page if the order value is less than the amount provided by you.

Each time you update these settings, be sure to click the Save changes button.

Enable COD for Specific Postal Codes

In this section, you can control the postal codes or locations from which you intend to accept the payments via COD.

1. Go to the Smart COD plugin settings. Here, you will see a section called specific postal codes.

2. Enter all postal codes you wish to enable COD for and enable the option.

Charging Extra for COD Payments

1. Go to the Smart COD plugin settings. Scroll down to the Extra Fee section.

2. Enter the amount you want to charge extra for the COD payment method.

The customer will have to pay more if they choose COD as their payment method. Don't overprice the charges, as this will do more harm than good.

Enabling COD Only for Specific Products

1. Activate the payment-specific products option in the COD plugin settings tab.

2. Choose the products you want to enable COD for.

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"This Payment Gateway Isn't Integrated With WooCommerce"

This payment gateway is not integrated with WooCommerce. In other words, WooCommerce does not automatically process transactions. To initiate the shipping process, you must manually verify transaction completion and update the order details.

Increase Your Sales With Cash-on-Delivery Payment Method

Most small businesses prefer shopping via the Cash on Delivery method as it omits credit card processing fees.

It enables customers to order online and pay at the delivery time, thus increasing product sales and overall profit. Ready for shipping allows the seller to start selling without worrying about stock or payments.

However, one downside to it is you have to take care of the delayed payment while maintaining cash flow.

If you're facing low-speed issues with WordPress, try speed optimization services to speed up your website to increase the engagement rate at your website.

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