What Does Eero 6's Apple HomeKit Support Mean for Amazon Devices? - Android Tricks 4 All
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Sunday, June 20, 2021

What Does Eero 6's Apple HomeKit Support Mean for Amazon Devices?

Recently, Amazon added Apple HomeKit support to its eero 6 and eero Pro 6 lines of Wi-Fi mesh routers.

The change, which Amazon completed via firmware update, now allows HomeKit users to control a few extra security features for their IoT devices. But what does this change mean for other Amazon devices going forward? We’re exploring some of the possibilities.

Why Did Amazon Add HomeKit Support for Eero 6 Routers?

In a word: security. With the new update, eero 6 and eero Pro 6 users can now use HomeKit to block smart home accessories from communicating with the outside internet and other network devices. HomeKit users can also firewall untrusted internet services to prevent IoT hackers.

Currently, HomeKit offers three levels of device security:

Restrict to Home: This means that devices can only interact with HomeKit through an Apple device without additional internet access. This level of protection means that some aspects like updates to firmware might not work.

Automatic: Which allows both HomeKit access and access to manufacturer-recommended connections only. This level is the default option for most devices.

No Restriction: This gives devices the ability to interact will all other devices and any internet-based service.

As more devices gain smart home functionality, the increased need for security is vital to prevent unwanted network breaches. By enabling HomeKit support, Amazon eero 6 users can have greater control over the access capabilities of their smart home devices. Users who own an eero 6 or eero Pro 6 system can learn how to enable HomeKit at the official eero website.

Additionally, the recent support upgrade allows the new eero 6 line to join previous eero routers currently working with HomeKit. But does this upgrade mean that there will be more changes in other Amazon-owned smart home device lineups?

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Will Other Amazon Devices Be Getting HomeKit Support?

At this point, no. Based on our research, it doesn’t look like Amazon is using the recent change to indicate HomeKit is coming to other Amazon products.

That’s not to say there isn’t a possibility of more collaboration between tech giants going forward, but any speculation at this time seems to be only wishful thinking. That means you can still expect Echo devices to maintain their ecosystem exclusivity, for now.

But there are indicators, such as the new Matter standard, that demonstrate Amazon’s willingness to have a broader scope of compatibility with other smart home devices in the future.

However, Matter is still in its adolescence, so smart home users will have to wait for more extensive changes to emerge. In other words, more compatible devices are coming, but a precise timeline has yet to be established.

Related: Everything You Need to Know About Matter, the New Smart Home Standard

What Does This Upgrade Mean for Apple and Amazon Customers?

On the whole, this update means that eero 6 and eero Pro 6 users can now enjoy the same security functions of previous eero routers with their existing HomeKit setups without worrying about being locked out of the HomeKit ecosystem.

From both Apple and Amazon's perspectives, though, it would seem not much else has changed. Neither of these companies has released any information stating a broader scope of smart home device compatibility.

Users Will Have to Be Patient

Despite speculation that Amazon’s addition of HomeKit support for its eero 6 and eero Pro 6 routers demonstrates a broader trend of upcoming compatibility between major manufacturers, there isn’t much information available to prove that this is the case.

And while many smart home users are still itching for more collaboration between large smart home manufacturers to eliminate some of the current boundaries, users will, unfortunately, have to remain patient.



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