Bioware-endorsed Mass Effect Legendary Edition Graphics Mod Further Improves the Trilogy’s Textures and Static Lighting - Android Tricks 4 All
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Bioware-endorsed Mass Effect Legendary Edition Graphics Mod Further Improves the Trilogy’s Textures and Static Lighting

mass effect legendary edition graphics mod ALOT 5

The Bioware-endorsed “ALOT” graphical overhaul mod has now been ported for use in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

Created by “CreeperLava”, the A Lot of Textures (ALOT) mod was used by Bioware as one of the benchmarks for the recently released remastered trilogy. Many of the graphical improvements included with the original mod were implemented with Mass Effect Legendary Edition, but there are still various aspects of the trilogy’s visuals that can be improved, including textures, static lighting, and shadows. Well, PC players looking to spice up the trilogy are in for a treat as the A LOT visual overhaul mod has now been made available for the remastered trilogy.

“While much of the work put into ALOT was rendered obsolete by the LE, many textures remain superior in ALOT even now”, the creator of the mod writes. “These textures were ported to the [Legendary Edition] to get the best of both worlds.”

“Additionally, the original ALOT's Improved Static Lighting (ISL) component was remade and vastly improved upon for the LE. Much of the lighting and shadows you see in-game are pre-rendered and stored as textures. These textures have not been improved for LE, which results in blocky shadows pretty much everywhere in the games (see screenshots). ISL fixes this by running the textures through a state-of-the-art, neural network-based denoising, antialiasing, and upscaling process for about 40,000 light and shadow maps across the trilogy.”

You’ll find some screenshots of this impressive visual overhaul modification down below:

Those interested can download the “ALOT" mod for Mass Effect Legendary Edition via Nexusmods. Be sure to read up on the installation instructions first.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is available globally now for PC and consoles. As expected, this mod only works with the PC version of the trilogy.

The post Bioware-endorsed Mass Effect Legendary Edition Graphics Mod Further Improves the Trilogy’s Textures and Static Lighting by Aernout van de Velde appeared first on Wccftech.


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