Deathloop Showcases Slick Dishonored-Like Action in 9 Minutes of New Footage - Android Tricks 4 All
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Deathloop Showcases Slick Dishonored-Like Action in 9 Minutes of New Footage


Interested in Arkane Studios’ new PS5-console-exclusive Deathloop, but not sure if it will measure up to their past games like Dishonored and Prey? Well, 9 minutes of new gameplay footage was revealed during the most recent State of Play, and it should put your mind at ease.

Overall, Deathloop’s action is still very Dishonored-like, featuring complex, immersive missions you can tackle from multiple angles, powers that can be combined in creative ways, and, of course, lots of neck stabbing. No, it’s not exactly the same – things have been streamlined somewhat and there’s more of an emphasis on shooting. Of course, there’s also the roguelike structure, in which you have kill eight targets within a time limit while being stalked by a rival assassin, which may be controlled by another human player. So yeah, Deathloop has its own things going for it, but it’s still very much an Arkane game. Check out the new gameplay for yourself, below.

The PlayStation Blog highlighted a few of the newly-revealed features shown in during the gameplay walkthrough…

  • The writing is on the wall… and in the air… and everywhere - All across Blackreef you’ll spot messages for Colt. Often they seem like helpful pieces of advice or guidance, but sometimes the messages are disjointed or confusing. They’ll start making more sense when you uncover more of the secrets hidden on the island, but you’ll learn to rely on them from the earliest moments of your adventure on Blackreef.
  • Watch and listen - Learning from each loop is vital to mastering the island and uncovering its secrets. There’s high-value information regarding the Visionaries and their routines, but also smaller conversations happening everywhere on the island.  If you slow down and pay attention, you may learn something helpful. Like, maybe something a careless Eternalist lets slip about a back door into Aleksis’ party?
  • If at first you don’t succeed… - Mix it up a little. Experiment with different playstyles. Maybe certain areas or missions are more suited to a stealthy, panther-like approach, while others are just begging for the razzle dazzle of an explosive entrance. You’re in a time loop. Play around and try something new.
  • Make their power your own - In the extended gameplay, you saw Colt pick something up after killing Aleksis. That was an upgrade to his Karnesis ability, which lets him toss people around like dolls. Killing Visionaries will always net you a huge reward, whether it’s a new ability or a powerful upgrade to an ability you already have, so it never hurts to kill them more than once. You’ll be able to keep your favorite abilities and upgrades, thanks to our next tip.
  • Save up that Residuum - As you progress through Deathloop, you’ll eventually discover something called Residuum as you take down Eternalists and Visionaries. Once unlocked, Residuum can be used between loops to lock in your favorite abilities or pieces of gear, meaning once you unlock something, you won’t have to unlock it again if you spend Residuum to add it to your arsenal permanently.
  • Reprise - Reprise will be one of your closest allies on Blackreef. Thanks to this ability that you unlock early on in the game, death isn’t an automatic restart. If you’re killed, you’ll have two chances to do a little time rewinding without restarting the loop. Die a third time, however, and the loop will end. It should be noted that time only rewinds for Colt when you expend a Reprise. As you saw in the extended gameplay, everything else on Blackreef is unaffected by Reprise, meaning all enemies you killed before being taken down are still dead.

Deathloop takes aim on PC and PS5 on September 14.

The post Deathloop Showcases Slick Dishonored-Like Action in 9 Minutes of New Footage by Nathan Birch appeared first on Wccftech.


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