Easy-to-use mobile apps foster customer loyalty for food delivery apps - Android Tricks 4 All
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Easy-to-use mobile apps foster customer loyalty for food delivery apps

Mobile apps are an increasingly important tool for maintaining customer loyalty for restaurant apps. That’s according to a survey of over 1,200 US customers by Mobiquity.

Following COVID lockdowns, ordering food online via a mobile app has risen steadily among all age groups.

Many customers use food ordering apps once or twice a week while coffee shop mobile apps by Starbucks and co. are used even more frequently. Delivery apps such as DoorDash have also grown their user ship.

Customers aged 56+ years are the least likely to use apps for ordering food or drinks.

Interestingly, lower income users were more likely to use food delivery apps compared to those earning more than $100k per year.

While more users are generally satisfied with delivery mobile apps (71%), convenience store apps have room for improvement (53% satisfied).

So how can companies bolster engagement and satisfaction?

The survey found that ease of use and personalised offers are welcome by customers and motivate consumers to purchase more often.

Paying on mobile and mobile rewards have shown to be good strategies to motivate consumers into visiting an app more frequently.

What’s more convenience stores can benefit by bolstering fuel discounts for customers. Over half of customers (64%) agreed that they would make a purchase via a mobile reward program if it offered fuel discounts.

The post Easy-to-use mobile apps foster customer loyalty for food delivery apps appeared first on Business of Apps.

source https://www.businessofapps.com/news/easy-to-use-mobile-apps-foster-customer-loyalty-for-food-delivery-apps/

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