Latest RPCS3 Version Offers Major Performance Improvements in Resistance 1 & 2 Alongside the Ratchet & Clank Series - Android Tricks 4 All
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Latest RPCS3 Version Offers Major Performance Improvements in Resistance 1 & 2 Alongside the Ratchet & Clank Series

rpcs3 resistance ratchet clank ps3 pc emualtor

The latest RPCS3 build offers major performance improvements for various games, including Insomniac’s Ratchet & Clank series, and the original Resistance 1 and 2.

Last year’s patches for the original Resistance installments already offered some great performance improvements, but the two games are now fully playable at 60FPS in RPCS3. In addition, thanks to several fixes for long-standing issues within the emulator, the Ratchet and Clank PS3 games are now much more playable as well with only slight performance drops holding them back.

“Recently kd-11 fixed long-standing issues with particles not rendering in the Resistance and Ratchet & Clank series, as well as greatly improving stability in edge cases where VRAM was being used excessively”, the team behind the best PS3 PC emulator writes.

You can check out some gameplay footage from the games running in the latest version of RPCS3 down below:

That’s quite the performance right there. Those interested can download the latest version of RPCS3 through the project’s official website. There, you’ll also find various guides on how to emulator PS3 titles on PC.

RPCS3 is a multi-platform open-source Sony PlayStation 3 emulator and debugger written in C++ for Windows, Linux and BSD. It was founded by programmers DH and Hykem. Initially hosted on Google Code, the project was eventually migrated to GitHub later on in its development. RPCS3's first successful boots were primarily composed of small homebrew projects and hardware tests. The emulator was later publicly released in June of 2012 and gained substantial attention from both the open-source community and PlayStation enthusiasts alike. Today, RPCS3 is primarily developed by its two lead developers; Nekotekina, kd-11 and backed by flourishing team of GitHub contributors.

The post Latest RPCS3 Version Offers Major Performance Improvements in Resistance 1 & 2 Alongside the Ratchet & Clank Series by Aernout van de Velde appeared first on Wccftech.


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