Twitter and Instagram reacts to Jeff Bezos' spaceflight with hilarious memes - Android Tricks 4 All
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Thursday, July 22, 2021

Twitter and Instagram reacts to Jeff Bezos' spaceflight with hilarious memes

Earth's wealthiest person Jeff Bezos and a crew of three others blasted off into space. On Tuesday, the total event lasted for 10 minutes with the crew spending a mere three minutes in space. It was regarded as a breakthrough moment for the space tourism sector that after years of delays is now poised for liftoff.

Bezos was joined by his brother Mark, aviator Wally Funk, 82, and 18-year-old Dutch teen Oliver Daemen.

Funk and Daemen became the oldest and youngest astronauts, respectively.

Bezos said afterwards that like those who had gone before him, he was "amazed and awestruck by the Earth and its beauty, but also its fragility."

"It's one thing to recognize that intellectually -- it's another thing to actually see with your own eyes," he added.

"We had a great time, it was wonderful," Funk later told reporters. "I want to go again -- fast!"

However, not everyone was impressed by this feat. Soon after the launch, the internet erupted in an avalanche of memes and snarky comments. We have scoured the internet and compiled them for a few laughs.

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