What Are Electromagnetic Attacks and Are You at Risk? - Android Tricks 4 All
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Saturday, July 17, 2021

What Are Electromagnetic Attacks and Are You at Risk?

In the last few decades, we’ve experienced an unprecedented boom in technological advancements. The internet has led to the growth of research and innovation in ways that previous generations didn’t think was possible.

Unfortunately, this exciting time in human history doesn’t come without cost. The rise of electromagnetic attacks on public figures and military personnel have raised some interesting questions on how we make use of these innovations for the good as well the bad.

So, what exactly is electromagnetic radiation and how does it become an attack?

What Is Electromagnetic Radiation?

Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) is a form of invisible energy emitted at various frequencies. Depending on varying factors, there are two types of EMR—ionizing and non-ionizing.

EMR originates from both natural means, like the sun, and man-made sources such as electronics. In general, higher frequency EMRs have higher energy levels, and the higher the energy levels, the higher the risk.

Most of us enjoy the endless benefits of electromagnetic frequency in small doses which don’t cause immediate harm. Household appliances such as microwaves, lightbulbs, televisions, and cellphones emit EMR. Because these devices use non-ionizing EMR, they emit low risk radiation that comes in low frequencies with low energy.

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Some forms of EMR, although helpful, are still known to cause harmful side effects. For example, X-ray machines use EMR to save millions of lives from all over the world. X-rays are naturally occurring types of radiation that humans have harnessed for bone imaging.

However, a study in the UK showed how they increase the risk of cancer by up to 1.8 percent. In 2007, it was also estimated that 0.4 percent of cancers in the US are caused by CT scans.

On the other hand, natural events such as massive solar geomagnetic events, have been known to cause electromagnetic pulses (EMP). An EMP has many effects, but its catastrophic ones are related to electronic disruption. Business Insider explains how a man-made nuclear bomb can trigger a similar EMP effect as well.

While EMPs can be dangerous, they can also be due to natural causes. However, electromagnetic attacks are a different animal, because of their singular intent to cause harm.

What Is an Electromagnetic Attack?

An electromagnetic attack is a form of terrorism which deliberately uses unsafe levels of electromagnetic frequency and radiation to endanger people.

Early investigations and research have speculated on several instances of electromagnetic attacks used to both damage electronic and communications equipment. In some cases, it has been believed to be used to physically incapacitate human beings.

There are currently no known cases of people dying directly from electromagnetic attacks. However, there has been speculation about it being used to cause everything from minor pains to permanent injuries.

Most of the notable cases of electromagnetic accounts are linked to diplomats, high ranking government officials, or military personnel. The effects range from debilitating headaches and hearing high-pitched noises, to what appears to be brain injuries that can lead to Parkinson's disease.

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As of writing, the full extent of its possible uses and the damage it entails are still unknown. Here’s what we do know so far.

Electromagnetic Attacks in the United States

In 2017, The Guardian reported unexplained, severe health problems among employees and family members of the US Embassy in Havana, Cuba, which happened in 2016.

Initial findings from the investigation proved that the diplomats and their families were at risk, so they were subsequently sent home. This became what is now known as the Havana syndrome.

US diplomat Mark Lenzi, who was stationed in Guangzhou, China, reported a similar experience as did several government personnel in the years that followed. According to then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, there was a similarity and consistency of the symptoms of the Havana syndrome.

In the following year, a US government-sponsored study confirmed that the attacks displayed symptoms that can be attributed to a pulsed radio frequency (RF) energy.

According to Politico, the Pentagon warned lawmakers about directed-energy attacks on diplomats, soldiers, and their families worldwide. As of 2021, over a 130 people are reported to have been affected, including within the United States itself.

Who Is at Risk of Electromagnetic Attacks?

Unless you are a public official, diplomat, or soldier, most people are not at high risk of targeted electromagnetic attacks meant to incapacitate.

If you are in a profession at risk and suspect that you or the people around you exhibit symptoms of the Havana syndrome, alert your leadership right away. Most suspected victims of electromagnetic attacks exhibit varying symptoms, so they will need to undergo observation for the correct treatment.

Should the type of specialized technology be already available, it definitely isn’t easily accessible. Many governments, including the United States, have already set in motions plans to provide citizens protection from large-scale attacks.

Should You Be Worried About Electromagnetic Attacks?

For ordinary civilians, normal exposure to electromagnetic radiation does not pose immediate risks. Many of us will go through our lives without any significant issues stemming from electromagnetic attacks. However, this doesn't mean that our normal exposure to radiation does not have any long term effects.

Many of the existing regulations around EF were based from the amount of radiation generated from what was available at the time. For example, FCC regulations on mobile phone radiation were made over 20 years ago.

Aside from phones, there are also countless objects we encounter every day that make use of electromagnetic frequency. While most of them are harmless, a combination of additional research and time is necessary to know its actual long term effects.

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Widespread use of electromagnetic radiation is still in its infancy. With this, it’s important to note that the long term effects of EF on human bodies is still up for debate. In addition, many of the current existing forms for government regulation surrounding EF radiation do not take into account the amount of exposure an ordinary person would have today.

Protecting Yourself From Electromagnetic Attacks

It’s no secret that much of the commercial technologies we enjoy today were born from military research and development. Whether on purpose or by accident, the suspected weaponization of electromagnetic frequency is not entirely surprising.

Knowing this, there’s no real harm in taking additional steps to make sure you unnecessary lessen EF exposure in your daily life. You can do this by turning off or keeping electronics out of reach when not in in use and opting for lower radiation devices or making better calls.



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