Your Apple AirPort Time Capsule Drive is About to Fail, but You Have Time to Fix the Issue - Android Tricks 4 All
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Your Apple AirPort Time Capsule Drive is About to Fail, but You Have Time to Fix the Issue

Apple Time Capsule flaw will lead to drive failure

The now-discontinued Apple AirPort Time Capsule has a flaw that could lead to some drives failing. But you can have the drive replaced.

Seagate Drive Inside the AirPort Time Capsule is Prone to Failure, Get Yours Sorted Before You Lose All Your Data

Apple's AirPort Time Capsule has proved to be a reliable device for backing up a lot of things. But, the Seagate drive Apple tossed into these machines have a flaw that could lead to complete failure, ultimately causing you to lose all your precious data.

The discovery was made by Datenrettung Berlin, a data recovery firm.

We must assume that this is an error in the design1 of the Seagate Grenada hard drive installed in the Time Capsule (ST3000DM001 / ST2000DM001 2014-2018). The parking ramp of this hard drive consists of two different materials. Sooner or later, the parking ramp will break on this hard drive model, installed in a rather poorly ventilated Time Capsule.

The damage to the parking ramp then causes the write/read unit to be destroyed and severely deformed the next time the read/write unit is parked. When the Time Capsule is now turned on again or wakes up from hibernation, the data disks of the Seagate hard drive are destroyed because the deformed read-write unit drags onto it.

If you have a lot of technical knowledge about replacing drives, you can replace the hard drive inside the Time Capsule yourself. However, keep in mind that opening up a Time Capsule is not exactly a walk in the park and you might have to find the right toolkit and the appropriate drive before going ahead.

Apple won't be able to help you with this issue either as the company has discontinued its AirPort lineup of products completely. But keep one thing in mind - it is best to sort out that Time Capsule drive now rather than later before failure hits. A complete backup on another location, such as an external SSD, will take you a long way at this point.

Be sure to check out the following;

The post Your Apple AirPort Time Capsule Drive is About to Fail, but You Have Time to Fix the Issue by Uzair Ghani appeared first on Wccftech.


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