App spend jumps to $34 billion in Q3 2021 - Android Tricks 4 All
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App spend jumps to $34 billion in Q3 2021

Consumers spent $34 billion on in-app subscriptions and in-game purchases in Q3 2021, making the quarter the biggest in consumer spending to date.

That’s according to new data by mobile data and analytics experts App Annie.

During the third quarter, downloads jumped 10% year-on-year, highlighting that there’s no end to app growth, despite lockdowns easing after COVID-19.

Downloads stood at 36 billion driven by Google Play.

Travel, education and medical app categories contributed some of the largest growth.

The findings also shed light on the top app trends during the latest quarter.

Outside of China, a larger number of users downloaded and used TikTok and Amazon apps.

Disney+ was one of the breakout apps globally, in part thanks to its robust content plan and exclusive releases such as Black Widow and Cruella.

Discovery+ app surpassed $100 million in consumer spending.

The post App spend jumps to $34 billion in Q3 2021 appeared first on Business of Apps.


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