Apple Will Give Its Retail Employees $1,000 Bonus for Their Efforts During the Pandemic - Android Tricks 4 All
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Apple Will Give Its Retail Employees $1,000 Bonus for Their Efforts During the Pandemic

Apple Will Give Its Retail Employees $1,000 Bonus for Their Efforts During the Pandemic

The global health crisis had an adverse effect on the everyday operations of major tech companies, including Apple. The pandemic might have forced such firms to take a backseat, but along with the efforts of its employees, the company was able to protect itself from a major sales slump. To thank its employees, Apple will reportedly hand out a $1,000 bonus to all retail personnel.

The Last Time Apple Gave Its Employees a Bonus Was Back in 2018

The $1,000 bonus will be a one-time deal and will be given to employees who were working during the pandemic. In such times, extraordinary health precautions must be observed, not just for the employees, but the customers too. However, not every retail employee will be given the same amount, and the total bonus will depend on the date of hire.

For instance, Bloomberg reports that retail employees who were hired before March 31, 2021, will be given the entire $1,000 bonus, while employees who were hired after will be given a $500 bonus. Personnel hired for the holiday shopping season will be given $200. The bonus will also be granted to employees who handle online sales as well as AppleCare staff.

This arrangement appears to be a special one from Apple because it does not hand out bonuses to its retail staff. The last time something like this happened was back in 2018, but instead of giving employees a monetary reward, Apple handed out $2,500 in restricted stock units to the majority of its employed personnel.

Given how Apple's retail employees had put themselves at certain risk due to the nature of their job, their bonus is well-deserved, though we personally feel that the value of the bonus could have been higher. Regardless, it was thoughtful of Apple to recognize their efforts during the pandemic, and they thoroughly deserve this reward.

The post Apple Will Give Its Retail Employees $1,000 Bonus for Their Efforts During the Pandemic by Omar Sohail appeared first on Wccftech.


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