Apple is scheduled to host its iPhone 13 series next month alongside the Apple Watch Series 7. The main highlight of the event will be the company's new flagship smartphones. We are only a few days away from the event and details regarding the iPhone 13 are coming in fast. According to the latest, the forthcoming iPhone 13 models will feature a Pink color option, while the iPhone 13 Pro models will add a new Black and Bronze option.
iPhone 13 Pro Models to Come in New Black and Bronze Color While Standard Models to Feature a new Pink Color Option
According to a Ukrainian e-commerce website KTC (via 91mobiles), the iPhone 13 models will come in a new Pink color which was previously rumored as well. In addition, the iPhone 13 Pro models will feature a new Black and Bronze color. The standard iPhone 13 models will continue to be offered in six color options - Black, Purple, Blue, White, Pink, and PRODUCT (RED). What this means is that the rumored Pink color will replace the Green color from the iPhone 12 series. A pink iPhone 13 was rumored earlier this year as well.
On the other hand, the iPhone 12 Pro models would still come in four color options - Black, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. The new Black color will replace the Graphite color from the iPhone 12 Pro lineup while the Bronze color will replace the signature Pacific Blue color from the 'Pro' lineup. This is not the first time that we are hearing details on the new Black and Bronze color options for the iPhone 13 Pro models as the rumors stretch back to earlier this year.
Apart from the iPhone 13's new color options, KTC also mentions that Apple will skip the 256GB storage capacity on the standard iPhone 13 models. The 'Pro' models would continue to be available in the 256GB capacity similar to the iPhone 12 Pro's configuration.
This is all there is to it, folks. Apple will host the iPhone 13 'California Streaming' event on September 14. We will be covering the event extensively, so be sure to stick around. Also, what are your views on the rumored Bronze color option? Let us know in the comments.
The post iPhone 13 Pro Models to Add New Black and Bronze Color, iPhone 13 to Offer Pink by Ali Salman appeared first on Wccftech.