Mobile ads 23% more memorable when ads match content - Android Tricks 4 All
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Mobile ads 23% more memorable when ads match content

Mobile adverts that match the content they are put into drove a 23% lift in activation according to new research from Integral Ad Science.

The Context Effect study found that such ads (also referred to as endemically matched) drove a 27% rise in memorability of themes, narrative and audio and visual elements.

“Using the latest neuroscience and neurometrics, this groundbreaking study demonstrates the specific ways that a webpage’s context can dramatically alter how audiences recall and respond to ads,” said Tony Marlow, CMO, IAS. “As our industry prepares for a cookieless future and increasingly moves away from audience targeting, advertisers have a significant opportunity to be intentional with contextual targeting tools, such as IAS Context Control, to drive greater campaign outcomes.”

Informational ads performed better when they were matched to a key message within an article.

This boosted detail memory by 36% compared to not matching content to key messages. And that’s particularly imports for brands with call to action campaigns.

Ads that focused on emotional response drove 40% higher global memory in thematically matched ads.

It shows that ‘feeling’ an ad is an important component of campaigns.

The majority of customers (63%) viewed ads as part of their online reading, and only 36% said they scrolled past an ad without reading it.

The post Mobile ads 23% more memorable when ads match content appeared first on Business of Apps.


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