Realme is set to launch its first tablet called Realme Pad in India on 9 September at 12.30 pm. The company has revealed that the upcoming tablet will come with a 10.4-inch WUXGA+ screen that offers an 82.5 percent screen-to-body ratio. In addition to this, the Realme microsite also confirms that it will be 6.9 mm thick and will come with a USB-C port on the left edge. In terms of colour, Realme Pad will come in gold and grey colour variants.
The Realme Pad teaser has also popped up on Flipkart, confirming that it will be available for purchase on Flipkart.
3 Days to go as we unveil the #UltraSlimRealFun, #realmePad.
Enjoy assured entertainment and unlimited fun in the slimmest and lightest package ever.
Launching at 12:30 PM, 9th September on our official channels.
Know more:— realme TechLife (@realmeTechLife) September 6, 2021
As per a report by GSMArena, Realme Pad is likely to come with two 8 MP cameras (front and rear), a microSD card slot and a 7,100 mAh battery. It was spotted on Geekbench that revealed that it might come with 6 GB RAM and 64 GB storage onboard. It is expected to be powered by MediaTek Helio G80 SoC and run on Android 11. Realme Pad is likely to come with support for stylus.