Aside from broken screens, charging issues are the most common problems that iPhone users face with their devices. This is understandable because the battery in your iPhone—or any smartphone, for that matter—is one of the few components that degrades naturally over time. Time does its thing, and iPhone batteries aren’t exempt from that.
Although, if you’ve noticed that your iPhone won’t charge past 80%, don’t assume that it’s time to get it replaced. There are a few reasons why that happens, and most of them have easy fixes. Keep reading to find out why your iPhone stops charging at 80%, and what you can do to fix it.
Why Does My iPhone Stop Charging At 80%?
If your iPhone only stops charging at 80% sometimes, it’s most likely due to a feature Apple implemented to extend the life of your iPhone battery. Apple introduced a battery optimization feature in iOS 13 that slows down how your iPhone charging, and even holds it at 80% to prevent over stressing the battery.
That’s why your phone sometimes charges, but then stops at 80%.
Most of us try to keep our phones as charged as possible, but as it turns out, this can be detrimental to your iPhone’s battery.
For starters, charging to and maintaining a full charge is more demanding on lithium batteries in smartphones, shortening their lifespan. Not to mention that over charging your phone overnight causes the battery to heat up, which reduces its overall lifespan.
How to Turn Off Optimized Charging on Your iPhone
If you’re running iOS 13, the Optimized Battery Charging feature on your iPhone will be enabled by default. If you’d rather have your phone charge to 100%, you can easily disable this feature in the battery settings.
To turn off Optimized Battery Charging, go to Settings > Battery > Battery Health and toggle off Optimized Battery Charging. You’ll see two options: Turn Off Until Tomorrow or Turn Off (permanently). Choose whichever one you prefer.
Maximize Your Battery Power
Understanding what affects the lifespan of your iPhone battery is the first step towards making it last longer! By keeping the charging tips from this article in mind and using high-quality iPhone chargers, you’ll give your battery the longest life possible.