Targeting upbeat Snapchat users boosts campaign effectiveness - Android Tricks 4 All
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Targeting upbeat Snapchat users boosts campaign effectiveness

The days of measuring ad performance according to swipe-through rates and click conversions are over as it emerges that the purchase journey of customers is multi-faceted. 

Now, a study by Snapchat and Goodques shows that engaging with users on Snapchat when they’re feeling ‘upbeat’ can increase the effectiveness of a digital campaign by 40%.

The majority of Snapchatters (95%) agree that the app lets them stay connected with friends and family in a way that allows them to be real and honest (87%).

“In knowing how each engagement with your brand leads Snapchatters closer to purchase, you can start to see how your buy on Snapchat goes beyond a single impression, and starts to build a relationship that drives purchases and sales,” the company wrote.

One in two users also agree that it’s fun to see a brand on the app and 82% actively engage with brands to drive purchases.

Snapchatters who discover new brands, follow them or use branded AR were also more likely to make big purchases. 

The post Targeting upbeat Snapchat users boosts campaign effectiveness appeared first on Business of Apps.


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