Majority of customers want personalised ads but don’t trust brands - Android Tricks 4 All
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Friday, June 24, 2022

Majority of customers want personalised ads but don’t trust brands

Although the majority of consumers (62%) expect personalised ads, they still don’t fully trust brands to store their personal data. 

According to research from mobile and customer engagement platform Twilio, 49% of shoppers will become repeat buyers if personalisation is offered.

But just 40% of consumers say they trust brands to use their data responsibly.

The report shows that trust does affect consumer purchasing decisions and 60% say trustworthiness and transparency. 

The majority of consumers (63%) are fine with personalisation so long as brands use their own data and not data purchased through third parties.

Although 6 in 10 businesses are boosting their investment in personalisation this year, the majority still struggle with omnichannel personalisation. Common barriers include lack of technology, unclear ROI, lack of accurate data and organisational impediments. 

Around half of businesses are also embracing new technologies to personalise their first-party data ad manage customer data.

The post Majority of customers want personalised ads but don’t trust brands appeared first on Business of Apps.



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