Instagram and TikTok have highest daily engagement rates - Android Tricks 4 All
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Instagram and TikTok have highest daily engagement rates

Instagram sees some of the highest daily engagement rates according to new research from SensorTower. 

Some 39% of installs on the apps are so-called power users who engage with the app every day as measured over three months. 

This was followed by TikTok which saw 29% of its active installs engage daily. 

The video app is already one of the most downloaded and highest-earning apps in the non-gaming category. 

It comes as little surprise then that engagement on the app is high which is great news for advertisers and marketers looking to boost brand recognition on social media apps. 

During Q2 2022 29% of its active Google Play users opened the app every day. 

Facebook ranked third at 27% followed by Snapchat (26%), YouTube (20%) and Twitter (18%).

Although Instagram sees some of the highest engagement in terms of daily opens, users tend to spend more time in TikTok. 

An average of 95 minutes were spent on the video app daily last quarter.

This was four times the average on Snapchat and three times that on Twitter. It’s near twice the time users spend on Facebook or Instagram. 

In the US, users spent an average of 82 minutes in TikTok daily. However, the territory is also where the app us currently facing a potential government ban over privacy and security issues.

The post Instagram and TikTok have highest daily engagement rates appeared first on Business of Apps.


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