Half of app users say in-app customer support is being neglected - Android Tricks 4 All
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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Half of app users say in-app customer support is being neglected

Of the 67% US consumers who use apps on their smartphones every day, almost half (49%) said they felt brands neglected in-app customer support. 

Just 12% of respondents said the in-app customer support they had received was excellent and 39% said in-app support was fair while 8% considered it poor. 

These are the findings of a new report from in-app customer support expert Helpshift which highlights that brands may be missing the mark when it comes to app customer support. 

But what features exactly are customers missing? 

54% of respondents said the apps they use do not feature built-in customer support. 

Over half (66%) felt frustrated when accessing an app for customer service and being kicked out or waiting hours or days for a response. 

When it comes to great in-app experiences, 56% of respondents find that apps have some work to do still. 

“With so much consumer activity and online engagement having recently moved to mobile apps, and now with a transformational wave of metaverse apps emerging, it’s inevitable that the demand for frictionless in-app support will continue to rise,” said Eric Vermillion, CEO of Helpshift. 

Improved in-app support could foster retention and loyalty with 71% of users saying they would switch to a competing app if they had a bad experience in app.

A whopping 86% admit they’d be more loyal to a brand delivering good in-app customer support. 

Customer support is also an issue in the metaverse for 67% of consumers and while 83% said they were able to access it, the process appears to be overly time-consuming. 

“Instead of kicking people out of the app right when they need help, brands should enhance and update their in-app support experience to align with their overall mobile UX design and Customer Experience. Given the ability of mobile apps to have secure, contextual and continual engagement with consumers, the time has come for brands to recognize that the app is the new starting point for the future of customer support,” Vermillion concluded.

The post Half of app users say in-app customer support is being neglected appeared first on Business of Apps.

source https://www.businessofapps.com/news/half-of-app-users-say-in-app-customer-support-is-being-neglected/


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