Assign Each App on Your iPhone a Background Sound to Set the Mood - Android Tricks 4 All
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Friday, September 2, 2022

Assign Each App on Your iPhone a Background Sound to Set the Mood

You can play background sounds on your iPhone to help you focus, stay calm, or fall asleep, giving you a personal sound machine wherever you go. Even better, there's a way to set each of your apps to play one of Apple's six ambient soundscapes automatically. When you open the app, its assigned sound plays, then it stops when you exit or switch to another app. While iOS 15 and iOS 16 include "Per-App Settings," you won't find any background sounds in there. Instead, you'll need to create an automation in Shortcuts, and there are multiple ways you can go about it. None are perfect solutions, so... more



This is just an example, you can fill it later with your own note.