Larger mobile ads, video and interscroller formats capture more viewer attention - Android Tricks 4 All
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Friday, November 25, 2022

Larger mobile ads, video and interscroller formats capture more viewer attention

Bigger does attract more attention. At least that’s true for mobile adverts. Data from Amplified Intelligence shows that mobile ads that cover almost all the screen received more attention from smartphone users. 

Size and format matter

Mobile adverts covering 80% of the screen received 6.6 seconds of attention, which was twice as much attention as ads covering 50% of the screen and eight times more attention than ads covering 10% of the screen. 

Larger ads deliver on attention

Source: eMarketer

Based on an analysis of 128,000 mobile ad responses, the study also found that video-based mobile formats captured more attention at 2.73 seconds. The target threshold is 2.5 seconds. When it comes to non-video formats, interscroller ads were the most effective regardless of the product or service advertised. The format delivered 3.3 seconds of active attention, which is 30% higher than the average 2.5-second minimum for active attention.

When it comes to the optimal video length, shorter video ads of 15 seconds resulted in longer active attention of 3.3 seconds compared to 30-second videos with 1.2 seconds.

Mobile ad formats and attention by seconds

Source: eMarketer

Attention increases with age

The study also noted that attention levels rose with age. Gen Z had significantly lower levels of active and passive attention compared to Boomers. Format preferences varied with Boomers responding better to interscroller ads while Gen Xers prefer video. 

Interestingly, there wasn’t a specific time of day when active attention was highest.

However, when examining surrounding content, Yahoo sports and finance content delivered the highest level of attention. 

Some categories boost active attention

Source: Amplified Intelligence

Key takeaways

  • Mobile adverts covering 80% of the screen received 6.6 seconds of attention
  • Video-based mobile formats captured more attention
  • Interscroller ads were the most effective non-video format 
  • Shorter video ads of 15 seconds resulted in longer active attention of 3.3 seconds 

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