How to Quickly Purge Your Unwanted Instagram Posts from the Public Eye for Good or Just Temporarily - Android Tricks 4 All
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Tuesday, December 6, 2022

How to Quickly Purge Your Unwanted Instagram Posts from the Public Eye for Good or Just Temporarily

For whatever reason, you may want or need to remove multiple posts from your Instagram grid. If you only have a couple to hide from the public, archiving or deleting posts one by one is fine, but there's a much faster way when you have tens or even hundreds of Instagram posts to purge from your account. Maybe you have too many bar crawl photos and are on the job hunt. Perhaps you need to pull a Lacuna and erase the painful memories of a former significant other. Or it could be that you remembered some memes you posted a while back that could be considered ... uh ... problematic. To archive... more



This is just an example, you can fill it later with your own note.