Single source of truth solution lift non-organic install attributions by 29% - Android Tricks 4 All
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Thursday, December 1, 2022

Single source of truth solution lift non-organic install attributions by 29%

iOS 14 has changed the way app marketers and advertisers piece together data to measure their marketing efforts. Instead of a single source of truth, they now rely on SKAdNetwork and aggregated data streams to piece things together. But when looking at the results of these efforts, it’s becoming clear that non-SRN campaigns have significantly more SKAN installs that are duplicates. 

Why establishing a single source of truth is important

According to new insights from app marketing expert AppsFlyer, non-SRN campaigns saw around 62% of their SKAN installs were duplicates compared to 18% for primarily SRN campaigns. 

With duplicates removed, advertisers can more easily measure all incoming iOS data from various sources with every user represented only once. In other words, they can boost their attribution lift and lower costs. 

To solve this problem, AppsFlyer introduced The Single Source of Truth (SSOT) solution last year. SSOT solves the SKAN reporting issue by flagging existing non-organic install records attributed through SKAN. 

SSOT boosts non-organic installs and lowers eCPI

By enabling SSOT the average app gets a 29% non-organic install attribution lift, a 49% drop in eCPI and a 62% increase in revenue attributed to marketing. 

Lift in NOI attribution when using SSOT (average per app, by category)

Source: AppsFlyer

Marketers are able to recover the actual number of unattributed installs and can attribute more installs to ad networks. 

The average non-organic install attribution lift per app was 29% for SSOT. This varies by app category, but on average apps saw an extra third added to their number of installs from non-organic sources. 

Health and Fitness apps had some of the largest drop in eCPI at -61% while shopping and finance apps dropped over a third in eCPI. For advertisers, this means they can make better decisions when it comes to campaign spending. 

Drop in eCPI when using SSOT (average per app, by category)

Source: AppsFlyer

In-app purchase revenues rose 70% on shopping apps, while gaming apps grew their revenues from in-app purchases by around 45% with hardcore games seeing a 69% lift. 

Lift in in-app purchases revenue attributed to NOIs when using SSOT (average per app, by category)

Source: AppsFlyer

Adoption rates jumped from 5-10% to 16-56% between April 2022 and October 2022. Gaming and social casino led the chart with 41% adoption in October which is double the rate in May 2022. Higher adoption rates point to a unique value proposition for iOS apps using SSOT. 

Key takeaways

  • Non-SRN campaigns see around 62% of their SKAN installs as duplicates compared to 18% for primarily SRN campaigns
  • SSOT boosts non-organic install attributions by 29%
  • SSOT results in 49% drop in eCPI 
  • SSOT leads to 62% increase in revenue attributed to marketing

The post Single source of truth solution lift non-organic install attributions by 29% appeared first on Business of Apps.



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