Mobile game boosters: Rewarded Engagement and Rewarded Playtime - Android Tricks 4 All
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Monday, February 13, 2023

Mobile game boosters: Rewarded Engagement and Rewarded Playtime

Mobile gaming is an unstoppable force in both the gaming and mobile app worlds.   Approximately 45% of video game revenue worldwide came from mobile games in 2022, and it’ll only increase as mobile game downloads are on the rise. Last year, Nearly 90 billion downloads were recorded! Isn’t mobile gaming fascinating?

To succeed in the world of mobile games, especially for hyper-casual, casual, and hybrid-casual mobile games,  you need to look for innovative and solid ways to go ROAS-positive, increase retention, and maximize LTV. Here’re two campaign models to try and see amazing results: Rewarded Playtime and Rewarded Engagement.

Rewarded Playtime (play-to-earn) campaigns

It’s possible that you might have heard about the ‘’play-to-earn’’ model, but have you experienced its impact on users’ sessions & playtime, LTV, and ad revenue? With Rewarded Playtime campaigns, players are always winners- the more they play, the more they earn! 

Rewarded Playtime campaigns are especially effective at increasing LTV & retention and generating more in-app purchases, which result in higher revenue. Motivated players spend more time in your app and are more likely to make in-app purchases. 

How does Rewarded Playtime work?

  • Start your gender and age-targeted campaigns that generate the highest LTV
  • Your game is recommended to suitable players
  • Players are rewarded for their playtime, which can be redeemed for various rewards

Rewarded Engagement (offerwall) campaigns

Rewarded Engagement campaign is an effective and engaging way to reach qualified players. In this model, players complete certain tasks that are given to them on offerwalls to receive in-app currency or in-game assets.

Offerwall is a conversion-based campaign, meaning you only pay for players who complete the full task. Even if the user doesn’t complete the task, you get an install and session time guaranteeing a positive ROAS. With Rewarded Engagement, you can:

Boost ad revenue: The more time players spend on your app to complete the task, the more ads they’ll be watching.

Be a part of the user experience: Rewarded engagements are fully player-initiated, so instead of disturbance, it creates motivation for the user.

This is it! Both rewarded models are designed for your mobile game’s accelerated growth in the competitive industry. Discover more about these on AppSamurai’s website, and start taking action for your mobile game!

The post Mobile game boosters: Rewarded Engagement and Rewarded Playtime appeared first on Business of Apps.



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