You're Getting 31 More Emoji on Your iPhone Soon, and Some of Them Are Worth the Wait - Android Tricks 4 All
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You're Getting 31 More Emoji on Your iPhone Soon, and Some of Them Are Worth the Wait

We haven't seen an emoji update for iPhone since iOS 15.4, which gave us 112 new emoji characters, but that's finally changing with the upcoming release of iOS 16.4. Here are all the new emoji you'll get in the software update. The new emoji have already been a part of Unicode 15.0 since Sept. 13, 2022, but it's taken Apple a long time to finally implement them into the iOS keyboard. There are 21 new emoji, and two have five additional skin tone variations, making it 31 new emoji altogether. Some highlights include a shaking face, pink heart, jellyfish, hair pick, pea pod, ginseng, hyacinth... more

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