You Can Soon Disable People's Video Feeds in Microsoft Teams - Android Tricks 4 All
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Tuesday, February 9, 2021

You Can Soon Disable People's Video Feeds in Microsoft Teams

Sometimes you don't want everyone to show their video in a virtual meeting; sometimes, you'd prefer to manage who can show their webcams and who can't. Fortunately, Microsoft is adding this functionality to Teams, so you can control who can and can't show their cameras in a meeting.

Microsoft's Plans for Video Censoring on Teams

Windows Central spotted a series of entries on the Microsoft 365 Roadmap related to disabling attendee's webcams in Teams. The features are still in development, but from what we can see on the Roadmap, it will be an interesting update for Teams.

If this is the first time you've heard of the Roadmap, it's a fantastic way to see what Microsoft has planned for its services. We spotted the software giant's plans to allow anonymous presenters in Microsoft Teams via the Microsoft 365 Roadmap.

Now, Microsoft has added two more entries to the Roadmap. One of them discusses turning off a single attendee's camera, while the other discusses disabling everyone's camera at once.

For the former, Microsoft wants to allow a meeting organizer to disable a single person's webcam. This is a handy feature for people causing trouble with their webcams or just for turning people on and off when it's their time to talk.

The latter feature allows an organizer to enable and disable everyone's webcams in one sweep. The organizer can choose to flip the switch before the meeting starts or do it on the fly while the session is underway.

Both features are listed twice on the Roadmap. The first batch is scheduled for an April 2021 release, and the second is in May. As such, it's a little unclear as to when we'll get this update, but it shouldn't be too long until you have ultimate control over who can and can't show their face in your Teams meetings.

Controlling Your Meetings Better With Microsoft Teams

If you've always wanted to manage people's webcam feeds in Microsoft Teams, you're in luck. The software giant is working on a feature that will let you turn off individual cameras or all of them at once. We'll have to wait and see for an exact date on when this feature will release.

If you're interested in more ways to manage your Teams meetings, did you know that the service will soon recap your sessions for you? It was originally scheduled for a January 2021 release but has been pushed back to February for the time being.

Image Credit: fizkes /



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