Burning Crusade Classic Cross-Realm Whispers, Battleground Queues and Instances Discovered; Pre-Patch Hotfix May 19th Released - Android Tricks 4 All
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Burning Crusade Classic Cross-Realm Whispers, Battleground Queues and Instances Discovered; Pre-Patch Hotfix May 19th Released

Burning Crusade Classic Cross-Realm Whispers, Battleground Queues and Instances Discovered

Following the release of yesterday’s Burning Crusade Classic pre-patch on the live servers, some players have discovered that cross-realm whispers, battleground queues, and shared instances appear to be possible.

Back in February of this year, Blizzard said that the team would be looking into including modern group finder conveniences (as seen on the retail servers) in the Burning Crusade Classic LFG tool.  Since then, Blizzard hasn’t really mentioned anything about this possible feature, but some eagle-eyed players seem to have discovered that cross-realm features that weren’t available in retail Burning Crusade are possible in the pre-patch. Whether these features were made available in the pre-patch by mistake is unknown at this point, but it’s likely we’ll learn more once Burning Crusade Classic officially goes live on June 1st.

In other Burning Crusade Classic news – Blizzard has already deployed a hotfix on the live servers following yesterday’s pre-patch launch. This hotfix addresses issues with boosted Druid and Warlock characters. In addition, the hotfix fixes several item, PvP, quests, professions, and raid issues. We’ve included the release notes for this hotfix down below:

The Burning Crusade Classic Hotfix May 19th Release Notes


  • Character Boosted Warlocks will now have pets that gain their Grimoire spells.
  • Druids that have been boosted with a Character Boost now learn Hurricane Rank 2. Those that do not have it can learn it by entering Orgrimmar, Stormwind, or Thunder Bluff.

Dungeons and Raids


  • Fixed an issue where Sapphiron’s Frost Aura dealt double damage.

Items and Rewards

  • Supercharged Chronoboon Displacer is no longer removed upon entering an arena.
  • The Reawakened Phase-Hunter mount now has the correct level requirement of 30.

Player versus Player

  • [NA realms only] The Alterac Valley Warmasters have returned to their stations.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Battlegrounds to award more Bonus Honor than intended.


  • Enchant Chest: Greater Stats once again increases stats as expected.


  • Fixed an issue where the "Crown of the Earth" quest could not be completed.

World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic launches globally on June 1.

The post Burning Crusade Classic Cross-Realm Whispers, Battleground Queues and Instances Discovered; Pre-Patch Hotfix May 19th Released by Aernout van de Velde appeared first on Wccftech.

source https://wccftech.com/burning-crusade-classic-cross-realm-hotfix-released/

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