How to Check You're Not Buying Your PS5 or Xbox Series X From a Scalper - Android Tricks 4 All
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How to Check You're Not Buying Your PS5 or Xbox Series X From a Scalper

A huge contributor to the growing list of reasons you can't get a shiny new PS5 or Xbox Series X is scalpers.

Console scalping comes in a few different forms, and it's best to know that when you're buying your new console, you're doing it for a fair price.

Let's take a look at how you can identify console scalpers—and why you should stay away from them altogether.

What Are Console Scalpers?

Console resellers—AKA scalpers—are people, groups, or businesses that buy up an in-demand console (ie. the PS5 and Xbox Series X) with the aim purely to sell (or flip) them for profit.

A console scalper's whole aim is to get you to pay well above the MSRP (manufacturer's suggested retail price) for your new console by bleeding the market dry till your only option is to turn to them.

Console scalpers will buy up stock as soon as it's dropped, usually using inhumanely fast bots. This, coupled with the tremendous demand for the new consoles, is why you'll see new stock drops disappear in just a few minutes... that is if you actually see any in stock at all.

Scalping is nothing new, but we saw a massive increase in console scalpers with the launch of the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. Of the 4.5 million PS5s Sony sold in 2020, a vast amount went to scalpers.

Who Are the Console Scalpers?

As mentioned, console scalpers can be individuals, groups, or even businesses, such as second-hand goods businesses.

With the third example, second-hand goods stores are a great place to buy—you guessed it—pre-owned items at a bargain price. Unfortunately, however, some second-hand goods stores are selling essentially new PS5 consoles for well above the MSRP, securing their stock, ironically, from scalpers. This is akin to, if not supportive of, scalping.

Though there are different levels of integrity with each scalper, the end result for you is still the same: you've paid significantly more than the MSRP for your new console.

Are Console Scalpers Scammers?

Technically, no. Console scalpers differentiate from console scammers in the sense that you should get a new console by the end of the process, unlike scammers who'll take your money with nothing to give in return.

That being said, console scalpers appropriate a toxic culture that's driven by greed. They use underhand and immoral tactics to take advantage of gamers' collective excitement and choke them financially.

While they aren't technically scammers, console scalpers are one of the principal reasons you still can't get hold of a PS5, so treat them as such.

Not Every Person Selling a New Console Is a Scalper

It's important to note that even though the PS5 and Xbox Series X still have many years to go, there are some people who've decided they made a mistake buying their new console and might sell it for a reasonable markup.

These people are distinct from scalpers as they genuinely wanted to play their console when they bought it and then decided that it wasn't for them. They should be communicative, answering any questions you may have (eg. are they any marks or scratches?).

How to Spot a Console Scalper

Although you're better off waiting till 2022 to get a PS5, if you do find yourself on marketplaces like eBay, Sears Marketplace, or Amazon, there are some key questions you should ask yourself as you browse the listings.

Am I Paying RRP or Close to It?

This is the golden question you should ask yourself as you identify console scalpers. The RRP for the standard version of the PS5 and Xbox Series X is $500, with the Digital Edition of the PS5 being $400, and the Xbox Series S costing $300.

Nintendo should also announce a new Switch in 2021, but it's kept quiet on the details, including price.

If the listing of your chosen console is well above these prices, then you're looking at a console scalper, regardless of if it's an individual reseller or a well-meaning business.

Is This Console Bundle Good Value for Money?

Sometimes console scalpers will disguise their inflated prices in a bundle, trying to trick you into thinking you're buying something that's good value for money.

You should always check to see whether everything listed in the bundle is cheaper if you just bought all the items individually. Although you could find this a little time-consuming, you could save yourself hundreds of dollars.

Scalpers may also add items to pad out a bundle in order to make it seem worthwhile, but often these items are things you'd never really use or want. You should check to see if the bundle you have your eye on is really worth its contents.

Why Have Scalpers Got So Many Consoles to Sell?

Console scalpers shout loud and proud about how many PS5 or Xbox Series X consoles they have. They usually love to gloat about it, advertising themselves as your only source if you want Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo's (when it's announced) new consoles.

Though they aren't explicitly saying it, these people are essentially screaming at you "hey, I'm a console scalper and I'll sell you a console at an extortionate amount!".

That should be warning enough for you to stay away from them.

Related: PS5 vs. Xbox Series X: Which Next-Gen Console Should You Buy?

Don't Give Console Scalpers Your Money or Attention

Console scalpers come in different forms, but all of them pray that you'll give in to impatience and buy a current-gen console before it's readily available at RRP.

It's no secret that there are massive stock shortages going on with the new consoles, but the solution isn't to buy from scalpers. If you do that, then you're supporting more of the same toxic culture for future consoles, components, and accessories.

There are a variety of things you can do in the meantime, as you enjoy all things video games and prevent console scalpers from winning.

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