How to Customize Action Center in Windows 10 Computers - Android Tricks 4 All
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How to Customize Action Center in Windows 10 Computers

Customize Action Center

Action Center in Windows 10 is a single stop where you check your notifications and quickly access settings like Bluetooth and Location. It is a handy panel, making working with a Windows 10 computer so much easier. In this tutorial, I will show you how to customize the Action center in Windows 10.

How To Customize Action Center

To access the Action Center, click on the chat-like bubble at the extreme bottom-right corner of your desktop. If you click on this, it will reveal the Action Center in all its glory.

Customize Action Center

As you can see from the image above, Action Center is simply a panel that displays notifications from the system and third-party apps. It also shows us Quick Action buttons like switching Bluetooth on/off, turning location on/off, focus assist, and more. These settings are customizable, and I am going to show you how you can do this.

Change Notification Settings

When it comes to the notifications, you can disable them, hide them and clear them. So why do you need to hide or disable notifications? Well, sometimes, when you are working and notification banners popping up at the side of your screen can be pretty distracting.

To enable or disable notifications, follow these steps:

Step-1: Click on Start Menu and click the settings cog. (Shortcut keys: Win + I)

Customize Action Center
Step-2: Select System.

Customize Action Center
Step-3: There are different action items on the left pane. Select Notifications & actions.

Customize Action Center
Step-4: If you want to switch off all notifications from all apps, turn the on/off toggle switch Off under the heading Get notifications from apps and other senders.

Customize Action Center
Step-5: If you want to get notifications from certain apps only, keep the toggle under the heading Get notification from apps and other senders ON. Scroll down, and under Get notifications from these apps, you will see many apps that give notifications. Choose the apps you don’t want to receive notifications from and switch them Off.

App settings
Step-6: If you don’t want to switch the notifications off completely and receive only certain notifications from certain apps, you can modify that too. For example, I want to modify notifications for WhatsApp. Click on the app. [NOT the toggle]

WhatsApp settings
Step-7: This opens notification settings for WhatsApp. You can choose only to get Notification banners, get notifications in the Action Center or hear a sound when a notification arrives. You can turn the toggle On/Off depending on your choices. You can even prioritize the notifications as Top, High or Normal [You will see these options when you scroll down a little].

Customize Action Center

You can clear notifications from the Action Center by following these steps:

    1.  Open Action Center.
    2.  Hover your cursor over the notification you want to remove and click the cross button.
    3.  You can remove all notifications quickly by clicking on the Clear all notifications option.

Customize Action Center

To Hide the number of new notifications, do the following:

    1.  Right-click on the Action Center.
    2.  Select Don’t show number of new notifications.

Customize Action Center

Customize Quick Actions

If you want to add, remove or rearrange the quick actions that appear in the Action Center, follow the steps below:

Step-1: Open Action Center.

Step-2: Right-click anywhere in the Action Center. Select Edit.

Customize Action Center
Step-3: If you want to add more shortcuts to the Action center, click on Add.

Customize Action Center
Step-4: Once the available shortcuts appear, select the ones you want and click Done.

Add to Action Center
Step-5: If you want to change the position of the shortcuts, hold and drag it to a new position. Click Done.

Change positions
Step-6: If you want to see all the Quick Actions. Click on Expand.

Customize Action Center
Step-7: If you don’t want to see all the Quick Actions, Click on Collapse.

Collapse options

If you want to remove any Quick Action button, do the following:

    1. Then, right-click anywhere in the Action Center.
    2. Click on Edit.
    3. Click on the pins that appear on the Quick Action buttons.

Remove Quick Actions
[Keep in mind that the shortcuts that were added in the first row will always appear when the window is collapsed]

The post How to Customize Action Center in Windows 10 Computers by Zarmeen Shahzad appeared first on Wccftech.


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